All my life I lived in a small, suburban town in Connecticut. It was all I knew. The same streets took me to and from school every day, I saw the same people, I was used to this type of life.
Now that I go to school in the City of Brotherly Love there are some aspects of living in the city that I could have never anticipated- but I have grown to love my small town as well as the big city equally.
The first difference between suburbia and city life is public transportation. Where I'm from, public transportation is not widely used since everything is quite spread out. Moving to Philly learning how to navigate the SEPTA was no easy task- but as more time has gone on and I began using it more often I got quite used to the routes and stops.
Another thing that is different now that I'm in a city is how many activities and things there are to do. Coming from a small town oftentimes you can hang out at someone's house, drive around, get food, etc. Living in a city there is a surplus of things to do and I usually find myself looking to go into the city and explore where I live now.
I also learned that I have to be very aware of my surroundings. I was so comfortable living in my little bubble that I never felt unsafe or worried about the people around me. Moving to a city has made me pay attention to where I am and what is going on around me at all times.
There are tons of people living in an area and not everyone has the best intentions. I never listen to music when walking alone, and I know what areas not to venture into. Staying safe and being aware of what is happening around me are two skills I had to adopt.
While living in Philly I learned what mental illness and drug abuse looks like. Back home I wasn't exposed to the homeless or people who are not as fortunate. It is a very real thing and very prominent in pretty much any city. Not everyone's situations are as fortunate as my own and I have learned not to judge or be afraid of these people but gain a new perspective that sometimes situations can spiral out of control and lead people down a dark path.
Living in a city has changed my life for the better. I love how interesting and fast-paced life is compared to life back home. Although both places have their pros and cons, I have fostered an appreciation for both places more than ever.