I mean it!
It doesn't matter if you have moved away for college or a career or if you've never left, I highly recommend revisiting your hometown with fresh eyes.
Last year, I lived about three hours away from home, and although my new college is less than half the distance, I haven't spent much time revisiting good 'ole Port Huron. It wasn't until this weekend when I brought my boyfriend with me on a mini road trip that I realized how quaint this little town is and how much I appreciate it.
We exited the freeway late on Friday evening and took a longer route through a few other small towns. He pointed out many restaurants he wants to try the next time he's in town, how much of the drive is relatively barren, different views he found particularly pretty, and it really made me start to notice the little things that I had started to neglect.
After dinner at my house, we drove over to Pine Grove Park and walked roughly two miles from there to Vantage Point. I pointed out my favorite restaurants and theaters I have performed at, we stopped in for coffee at my favorite coffee shop (that he is now in love with) and sat by the river for a while just listening to the water lapping against the rocks and watching the reflection of Canada's lights rippling over the waves. He was entranced and we just sat silently enjoying the view.
Before then, I don't remember the last time I went to the riverside on my own just to watch the water. I haven't gone out for coffee on my own, I always wait until there are people willing to go with me so I have someone to talk to, but they've been there before as well and so the coffee shop has lost some of its spark with me through the years.
My advice to you is this:
Bring new people to your old favorite places. There is nothing quite like reliving the old joys of your favorite haunts through the eyes of someone else. Nothing rekindles the spark of your love for home like seeing what a visitor notices for the first time and remembering what you have been taking for granted all this time.