Let's all be honest, we have all wanted to be someone else at one point in your life. It could be a celebrity, a friend, or just some random person you wish you looked like. We all have dreams and aspirations that we all want to achieve, the problem is sometimes we do not think we can ever get what we want. I know from personal life lessons that no, life will never just hand you things. You have to work and work and even then you may not even get your goal. I am not saying give up. I would never want a person to give up. I just know that when things are getting tough, that is when you find the biggest lessons and miracles.
The biggest realization in life is that sometimes things are extremely hard so you can figure out if you really want it. Personal experience: I worked for a year and a half, almost two years to move up where I work. I mean no call outs, perfect behavior, and working my ass off. The first three times I was never successful. Lets be honest, nothing is more of a ball buster than knowing you are trying your hardest and still getting no where. I was even competing with one of my best friends for the job and I still felt like we were both trying so hard but we would never find the gold at the end of the rainbow. That is when I gave up. It got too tough and I thought I was better than that. I had the worst work ethic and honestly, I was a straight up bitch. Until one day I realized, I wanted that. I wanted to move up. I just wanted to move up to know I was good at something and I could do it. That I could be something more than just the bare minimum. Thats when I finally got it. I have never felt more accomplished in my life.
I think we all have those moments in life that when things just sucked and it felt like there is no way out. It could be your car broke down, you job sucks, you have no money, or your girlfriend or boyfriend was caught cheating. That is all apart of this grand scheme of life. To challenge and help you grow. If it is not being tough on you maybe you are not growing. No plan of Gods is ever left unfinished. Now, I'm not all that religous but I always do believe in that. Where some people will doubt you, others will bless you. Where the light always seems to fade, It won't always be dimm. I think the tougher life gets, the more of a rock star a person will become. Who can be a bad ass when life is easy? at least that is the way I always look at it. okay, lets be honest. My life can really suck at times. I am no where near rock star, but I can always try to encourage others. If it is a hard time for you right now. You will make it through. You will find the silver lining in all the bullshit.