"The best advice that I can share is to follow your heart." This statement has been said to me multiple times over the past two months. It wasn’t until recently that I seriously listened to everyone who told me this.
College is a time to be independent and figure out who you are as you take a huge step into reality. Some people adjust very well to this new scene quickly, and others take longer…much longer. I thought I would be someone who could just walk into the campus life and everything would be great. I was most definitely wrong.
It’s OK if you aren’t ready to transition into the college life — I wasn’t for the longest time. Anxiety took over my life, I couldn’t eat for two weeks straight, and all I wanted to do was go home. All the homebodies will feel me on this. I am grateful enough to go to an amazing school only an hour away from home. I can basically go home whenever I want. This, of course, is a blessing in disguise. I go home all the time. It's comforting, it's familiar, and it's relaxing. But, it tears me away from the college life. I miss out on hanging with friends and getting to know people more.
I am also lucky enough to have friends at the school with me. Unfortunately, the feeling of loneliness overwhelmed me. I was worried about not making friends or losing the friends that I know already. In reality, I think it was my mind thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong. I’ve made friends and still love the ones that I had already. Friends are hard to find but easy to make. One thing in common with someone can do a world of wonders.
Do I regret the decisions I’ve made that bring me to where I am today? Absolutely not. I truly believe it has helped me. Going home a lot could be a factor to not adjusting easily, but it relieves anxiety and anyone knows that anxiety is frustrating. It becomes exhausting to constantly fight yourself — just let your heart tell you what to do. You know yourself and what works for you better than anyone else.
So, why am I telling you this? For anyone who is having a tough transition to college, know you’re not alone. Hold your head up high because you can do anything. If you’re in the same situation as I am, make the most of your lows and highs because you’re improving without even knowing it.