As a lover of tattoos, it may seem silly that I only have one. It's in a place that no one can see it. For me, the purpose behind my tattoo is what means so much. Not the fact that it goes unseen, or even the negative judgement from my family surrounding the idea of tattoos makes me regret my decision in the slightest. When thinking about the idea behind my tattoo, it got me interested in others' tattoos and their story for them. I think that's what draws me to tattoos. People feel passionate enough about an idea or experience to get something permanently marked on themselves. Not in the idea that they will forget what they have gone through or forget a person. It's like a badge of honor for some, that they have survived how far they have come. It's a reminder to others of where they are headed. It can be a reminder to some of who they are or what they mean to someone or something like an organization or group. It can even be in honor of loved ones to keep a part of that person with them. No matter what the circumstances, I think the idea is beautiful. Here are a few examples of tattoos that have truly touched me, and if you are a disliker of tattoos, maybe this article can shed some light on this permanent marker, for you.
1. "Honesty is key."
"I have been thinking about getting a tattoo since I was 15. People say you haven't really thought about it a lot at the age of 18 but I did. All of my immediate family members have tattoos so I knew they would support me in whatever I chose. I actually asked my daddy a lot of questions before I got mine, just to make sure he was agreeing and supportive of my decisions. I wasn't sure what to get. It's crazy to say I found my tattoo on Pinterest but I searched many things. I wanted something feminine and I plan on getting more. I thought that this idea of the word "honesty" in a key was perfect for me, considering I'm quite honest. Very blunt actually, some may even call it rude. But the deeper meaning behind my "honesty is key" tattoo is that no matter what challenges I encounter or obstacles that I face, I will remember to be honest." -Nichole Ledford
2. "The cross. A means of grounding myself."
"Life isn't always easy, and we should never wish that it is. Like most anyone, my life has been thrown a few curve balls along the way. I would not be standing here today if I had to face those trials on my own. My heart is overwhelmed knowing I serve a God that sent His son to conquer those trials so that I may live freely. I'd been thinking about it for a while, and on my twentieth birthday I decided to get a tattoo that would provide me with the opportunity to occasionally tell my story. I chose a simple, and delicate tattoo. I wanted something that would subtly catch the attention of others, and maybe even spark their interest about the God I know and love. I decide to go with a general, yet meaningful and genuine symbol - the cross. I chose the cross as a means of grounding myself, while also wearing it as a permanent symbol to remind myself of how incredible Christ's sacrifice was and is. From my perspective, looking down onto my right hand, the cross is upside-down. However, from the perspective of anyone else, the cross is upright. I wanted to do it that way so that I could share the love and joy of Christ with anyone who notices or questions my tattoo. This way, I have the opportunity to tell not only my story, but the story of our Savior. For me it's more than just a tattoo, it's a way to help witness to the world around me." -Bailey Kendrick
3. "Nothing shall ever tear us asunder."
"What this means is 'nothing shall ever tear us asunder.' My first meaning for this is that nothing will ever tear me and my brothers in Pi Kappa Phi apart. Not time, physical distance, nor any circumstance because in the end no matter what, they will always be my brothers. Second, is nothing will ever tear me and Pi Kappa Phi apart. I will always be a Pi Kappa Phi, and an outward extension of it's values. Lastly, is nothing will ever tear me and my relationship with God apart. Although sometimes I may stray away from Him, nothing will tear us apart." -Wade Fegley
4. "Alive and Recovery"
"The short one is morse code for 'alive.' A few years back, I was at a really dark place, and I didn't feel like I was alive, because I was so numb to everything. When I finally got in a good place, I was able to realize that even if I feel numb, I'm still breathing; I'm still alive for a reason. The longer one is morse code for 'recovery.' While I was in my dark place, I did a lot of damage to myself; physically and emotionally. When I got to a place where I was no longer as prone to do those things, I knew I needed something to remind me that there isn't always going to be bad in my life." -Bree Barfield
5. "Never stop believing in myself."
"For me it's a means of self expression. Mine is on my hip so it is covered up most of the time because mine is simply a reminder of a value I carry with me throughout life. It's a key with 'believe' written in the middle because believing in myself is the key to succeeding in all things I do. To put it plainly, it is a reminder to never stop believing in myself." -Faith Anderson
6. "By going through the drawbacks, I'm just going to go farther."
"My arrows I got soon after my daddy passed away. Arrows can only go forward by being pulled backwards first, so I see myself as the arrows. Yeah, I've been through a lot and I've felt pulled back many times, but I know that by going through the drawbacks, I'm just going to go farther." -Cedes Harris
7. Matthew 18:21-22
"In Matthew 18 verses 21 and 22 Peter is asking Jesus about forgiveness. He asks how many times he should forgive someone who has sinned against him. He asks, "up to 7 times?" Jesus answered with "7 times 70 times". By this Jesus says that we, as Christians, should forgive anyone who sins against us an unlimited amount of times. So with the artwork, I chose a rose and put 7x70 in the thorns because forgiveness can be a painful thing for some people. But when we do forgive, He makes things beautiful, which is also why the rose is present." -Corbin Howard8. "A tattoo for my mother."
"Senior year before I moved to Kennesaw for college, my mom got
diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We both decided to get this tattoo, mine on my
inner wrist and hers on the inside of her ankle. Elephants have been my
favorite animal since I can remember. Elephants symbolize strength, stability,
and patience. In Hinduism -no I am not hindu- Ganesha, can be found in the
form of an elephant and he is the god of luck and protection. My mom is my best
friend and has been for my entire life. I knew that with God in control. He
would give her and I strength to get through such a difficult time. Six months
after we got the tattoo plus her rounds of radiation, my mom is now cancer free! " -Mallory Hardy
9. "Courage, dear heart."
"My tattoo is a quote from one of my favorite authors, C. S. Lewis. The quote comes from his book "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" and is parallel to a Bible verse from Chronicles 28:20. I am a very strong willed and independent person who constantly tries to solve problems on my own. This tattoo is a constant reminder to step back, silence my own voice and listen to the voice of God. No matter the trial or hardship, the Lord provides me with hope and courage to deal with any obstacle that presents itself." -Hunter Bowen-Pollock
10. "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."
"He is greater than my hopes and dreams. He is greater than my fears and anxiety. He is greater than my accomplishments and success. He is greater than my setbacks and disappointments. He is greater than my past. He is greater than my present. He is greater than my plans. He is greater than my plans. He is greater than my unexpected. He is greater than life. Earth couldn't understand Him, death couldn't destroy Him, the grave couldn't hold Him, and Hell couldn't seduce Him. This is where I die, Lord with thee crucified because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." -Hannah Crumely
11. "Ohm. Unity and peace."
"A little over a year ago, a wonderful friend of mine lost his life. I got this tattoo in memory of him, one of the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. The symbol of the ohm is a very complex one, but in my understanding it is representative of unity and peace. I chose this tattoo not only because it was so meaningful to him but it also reminds me to live my life in a way that would make him proud. It means a lot to me, just like he always will." -McLane Harding
12. "A reminder of my dad, and his faith."
"My dad died when I was twelve and the roman numerals are the date that he died. Ive always thought that the infinity cross was a beautiful thing so I knew I had to put the two together somehow. This is my constant reminder of my daddy's infinite faith in our Lord and Savior." -Aubrey Bonds
13. "My trust is without borders."
"My tattoo is based off the song "Oceans" by Hillsong where they say 'Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail. And there I find You in the mystery, in oceans deep, my faith will stand. And I will call upon Your name, and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace. For I am Yours, and You are mine.' Basically about serving all over the world." -Avery Shead
14. "My first tattoo."
"This is my first tattoo. It's a note my poppa gave me when I was in the fourth grade. He always called me Lucy. When he passed away when I was sixteen, I chose to get this tattoo to remember of how fun and carefree he always was, no matter how he was feeling. It's also a daily reminder for myself to make him proud and show he will not be forgotten." -Andie McDaniel
15. "Chudda"
"I got my tattoo in memory of my grandmother who was hands down the greatest, most kindhearted person I have ever met. She passed away from cancer when I was very young but still left an imprint on my heart. I remember her as a woman whose laugh echoed through the house, who was always singing old hymns, who could cook better than anyone I have ever met, and best of all could make you feel like a giant when the world made you feel so small. She was as unique as the name her grandchildren called her 'Chudda.' The hummingbird and flowers remind me of the hours that we would sit in the kitchen watching the tiny birds flutter back and forth from flower to flower in the garden that my grandmother cherished so much. Her signature underneath is from a devotional book that she gave me, which is also the last gift I received before she was called home. In the note she wrote me, she reminded the twelve year old me that I am enough and I am loved, something that I remind myself everyday. She is and always will be the first woman that I truly looked to for guidance and for that I will forever be comforted by the permanently inked reminder on my rib cage." -Kelsey Whitehead
Tattoos are not all the negative ideas older generations have them cracked up to be. Each of these people have a beautiful, powerful, meaningful story to share through their body ink, and I hope you found them as moving as I have.