It's hard to believe that we've been friends for eight years. It feels like just yesterday that we started talking at church and getting sugar highs off soda. Never would I have imagined in fifth grade that we'd become so close all these years later.
I mean it when I say I truly don't know what I would do without you in my life. I could write a book about how much I love you and how thankful I am for you, but I'll try to keep it short.
1. Thank you for everything.
Let's start with a general thank you for every single thing you've ever done for me. From telling me I have food in my teeth to making me look like a fool in front of a cute boy, thank you for all of it. It means the world.
2. Thank you for always being there.
Whether it be something as simple as what to wear to a party or it be the day my grandfather died, thank you for always being there to help. You were there when no one else was and I know I can always count on you no matter what. We may not have many deep heart to hearts (we laugh too much), but I know that you'll always be there to listen when I need someone and I appreciate that more than anything.
3. Thank you for making me laugh.
Goodness, we've laughed a lot in the past eight years. Whenever I'm with you, I'm always laughing. Thank you for always lightening the mood and making me laugh even when I don't feel like it. I know I can always count on you to make anything fun.
4. Thank you for loving me for who I am.
I know I can probably be a little bit annoying sometimes, but you love me anyways. Thanks for sticking by me through my ugly middle school phase and my Carrie Underwood obsession. You've put up with a lot.
5. Thank you for being you.
I hope you know how much I appreciate you. You are perfect just the way you are. Always remember that. You're going to do such great things in life and I can't wait to watch it all by your side.
No matter where life takes us, I know that we'll never drift apart. I can always count on you to be by my side through it all. So believe me when I say, I love you with all my heart.
Thank you for being the very best friend a girl could ever ask for. You're one in a million.
Your Person
RelationshipsJul 10, 2017
To My Best Friend
I love you with all of my heart, you're one in a million.