To the girl who feels out of place,
Maybe you just moved to a new school. Maybe you just started college. Maybe you just don't feel like you fit in anywhere. Maybe you feel like the friend no one really wants around. Something probably seems off every day. You might feel like you're the wrong size, color, or even personality type. You might have the "wrong" political views. Maybe the girls you thought liked you turned out to not be who they seemed. All of this is normal. I'm right there with you feeling all of these things.
I'm writing this to let you know you are not alone. I have felt out of place my whole life, whether it was not fitting in with the "popular crowd" in middle school and high school to not really finding my niche in college. I'm writing this to tell you even though you feel like there is something wrong with you, there is not. You are you, and if people don't like you, they probably aren't worth your time.
I know what it feels like to be the friend that's never invited. I know what it's like to be the friend who's too insecure to go shopping with her friends because she feels fat or ugly. I know what it's like to be bullied and to feel like you have no one. I know how you feel to come home from college and your best friends from high school no longer want to make plans. I've been replaced by boyfriends, girlfriends and other friends. I know what your going through, I promise.
That being said, I will tell you this: everything passes with time. You will forget those friends and move on. You might finally find yourself beautiful. You will find someone who loves you and who teaches you to love yourself. You will find your friends who you can lean on. It may take a long time, but you will find them. You will learn to embrace your inner beauty.
Being the girl that feels out of place is never easy, but it teaches you to love. You have been given an opportunity to understand people who are going through what you are going through. You have been given experiences that could push you to change the world. Through all of this that is happening in not only your life but mine as well we have to remind ourselves that we are not given situations we cant handle.
The girl who is also out of place