Looking back on the semester that has changed my life for the better, indefinitely, I cannot help but think that this has been the best semester of not only my college career but of life as well.
I have focused on my mental health, fostered many new and growing friendships, and have continued my journey towards becoming a girl boss. Yep, that's right, G I R L B O S S.
Coming out of last semester, I had no hope in myself or even the year to happen, but God never fails, and through lots of prayer and soul searching I began to see myself transform throughout the entire fall semester of 2018.
There are a couple of reasons I have to be thankful for this fantastic semester.
First off, I became a GRANDMA! You heard it here first folks, yes, I became a G-Big to the most precious grand-littles in all the land! As a result of being a grandma, I have seen not only my sorority life change for the better but my personal life as well. My two precious babies have made me look at life a little differently, and be thankful for the extremely close relationship that we all share. From sleepovers after Sisterhood Retreat to going to dinner in the midst of our stressful finals, I have become a better person because of them.
As well, my mental health has improved drastically, wow. I went from 0 to 100 REAL QUICK. From panic attacks at least once a week, to be able to stop going to my therapist, this semester has been so life-giving.
Lastly, I can't help but look back on this semester and thank God for the passion that he has instilled in me for my future career. While I might not know where I'm going, I am confident that my love for fashion, people, and The Lord will go a long way in my final semester and efforts to find a job after college comes to an end.
I say all of this to make the point that while some of you might have had the most discouraging semester yet, it is alright. Allow yourself to grow from that semester, as I did last year, and take in the hope of the future. You never know what awaits around the corner when you can be patient with your journey.