Totally Rad Dad Gifts | The Odyssey Online
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Totally Rad Dad Gifts

Get Your Dad Something He Will Actually Like

Totally Rad Dad Gifts

Father's Day is coming up on June 19th, and that means one thing: panic and try to be more creative with your gift to dad than a tie. Dads are notoriously hard to shop for, since they historically balk at flowers and chocolates, and while he may have loved your childhood present of a handmade card and a smile, being a young adult with money means that the gift should have a little bit more oomph. Below are some suggestions of gifts that your dad will actually like and use. Make sure to order soon so they get shipped to you in time!!

Below $20

I get it. It is summer time, you can't bear to work because it is too hot/too busy/you needed a break, and funds are low. However, you can still find something cool and quirky for Pops with your less than lush bank account.

1. A Felt Pork Pie Hat

You either have a baseball hat dad or a fancy hat dad. If your dad falls into the latter category and often finds himself in a fedora, update his style with this quality piece.

2. Dirty Jokes Book

If you're tired of his dad jokes, wrap this up nicely and send it his way-- maybe you will be lucky enough to catch him saying one of these and watching your mom get embarrassed.

For the Nerdy Dad

The Force is with your dad, and he has been introducing you to the dark side since you could sit still enough to watch movies. Thank your dad for sharing his crazy passion with these crazy cool gifts.

1. R2-D2 USB Port

This USB port and power station is infinitely cooler than any old extension cord, and will make your dad smile every time he plugs his phone into his favorite little robot sidekick's base.

2. Star Trek Heat Activated Mug

Your dad can beam straight to any old place with this travel mug which reveals Captain Kirk as your hot beverage of choice fills the mug.

For the Business Dad

Your dad is always at the office and always seems to be in the middle of some important business deal. However, when he *is* home, your dad loves to unwind from the rat race and kick back with family.

1. Boat Haus Candle

This candle smells like balsam wood and grapefruit, with hints of spruce and cedar. This candle is great to help your dad relax and pretend he is anywhere but the office.

2. Whisky Barrel Coffee

Your constantly working pops is probably entirely dependent on coffee. Help his addiction and keep it classy with this bourbon flavored coffee.

For the Cliche Dad

It would seem that every dad from every sitcom ever is your dad. He grills, he plays golf, he wears a tie to work, and maybe even has a mustache. Make him mutter, "Aw Shucks" with these gifts.

1. A Beer Making Kit

Every dad loves beer. With that being said, turn his beer habit into a productive activity with this kit from the Brooklyn Brew Shop. Your dad will be over the moon at this fun weekend activity, and he'll probably have you be the lucky first taster.

2. A Charcoal Smoker

Up your dad's grilling powers with this cute and functional smoker. A fantastic brisket is headed your way this summer, thanks to this bad boy.

For the Unbearably Cool Dad

So your dad is cooler than Don Draper and James Bond put together, with none of the adultery (maybe?). Realllllly impress him this father's day with a gift that is even half as cool as he is.

1. Carry On Cocktail Kit

This does not have to be relegated to plane travel; your ultra cool dad now has the ability to make a cocktail wherever he damn well pleases.

2. Debonair Shaving Kit

Your super cool dad probably keeps a very specific facial hair style that completes his signature look. Help him maintain his scruff with this ultra cool shaving kit.

For the Having-A-Midlife-Crisis Dad

Your dad is panicking over his ever increasing age and his slowly graying hair. He's probably even done something crazy, like joined crossfit or bought a convertible. Encourage his hilarious habit with a gift like the ones below.

1. Beard Growing Pills

Your dad's unending years of shaving every morning before work may have stunted his ability to keep a strong beard going. With that being said, these pills claim that they'll help his facial hair flourish. Lol.

2. Carnivore Club Subscription

This artisan meat subscription will make your dad feel crazy special and get him the chance to feel like quite the connoseuir. He will probably brag to all of his friends about how cultured he feels with all this fresh meat being brought straight to him.

For the Sporty, Outdoorsy Dad

Your dad has put you through every sport tryout since you could walk or hold a ball, but, generally, your clumsiness kept you from being the all-time star. No matter what, he was always proud of you and your accomplishments, so show him that you still care about his crazy sports habits with the gifts below.

1. Baseball Glove Wallet

This wallet is made from a genuine, old leather baseball glove, and, honestly, what could be more dad than that?

2. Inflatable NFL Player

Decorate your lawn for the most important season with this giant inflatable NFL player and make sure the whole neighborhood knows that it is their season to win.

There you have it! Happy shopping, and remember, if nothing else, call your dad. You're sure to make his day.

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