You ever feel like your world has suddenly been turned sideways and you just want to know what happened?
Yeah, me too.
As I was thinking about this a while ago (and believe me, I had plenty of time for thinking), I came to the sudden realization about life. I was lighting a candle and couldn't quite get it to light when it was sitting right side up, so I picked it up and tilted it all the way to the side to get the flame to catch, that's when it hit me.
That is exactly what God has to do to us sometimes.
Sometimes we get so comfortable in our own little world that when He tries to ignite the fire in our souls, well we just won't light. So He picks us up and turns our little worlds haywire to get us to spark.The thing that struck me the most about this thought is the realization that although our world is no longer on stable ground, we are in His hands the whole time.
He is a much sturdier hand than I am and I know for a fact that once we are shining bright, He will show us how to be right side up once again.