Writing weekly articles is great, don't get me wrong. Usually, I can almost always think of a topic and have something written right then and there. Sometimes, I try to incorporate a special date with my article or do something related to the holidays.
There are times when I consult the list our Editor sends out to see if there is anything that catches my eye.
However, there have been many times where I'm completely stumped and can't think of ideas to write. When you have writer's block, it is exhausting trying to find the right topic for your article. So, for all of you out there who are, like me, constantly having trouble thinking of topics or getting inspiration on what to write, here is a list of 25 Article Topic Ideas that will help you crush writer's block!
1. A thank you letter

2. Starbucks Vs. Dunkin?

3. top ten favorite songs on your iPhone.

4. A list of things you wish you could do.

5. A list of places you want to travel to.

6. Your Bucket List

7. All the things you wish you could change about your college.

8. Definitive ranking of your favorite reality tv shows.

9. A Thank You.

10. A letter to your future husband.

11. A list of thoughts you have while doing something.

12. Recipes

13. DIY how to.

14. Cheap alternative to expensive brand name stores.

15. 10 things you are most guilty of.

16. your top 10 favorite movies.

17. If your life was made into a movie, what would it be about and who would play you?

18. A letter to an old friend.

19. write about a current event.

20. write about what you might do if you were president of the United States.

21. Write something as told by Spongebob memes.

22. Write about your favorite season.

23. 30 thoughts every college student has while....

24. Write about your hometown.

25. Write a list of 25 topics for when you can't think of what to write.

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