Top 5 Foods At The Minnesota State Fair | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Foods At The Minnesota State Fair

While music, games, and entertainment can contribute to a fun fair experience, the best part of the fair is the food.

Top 5 Foods At The Minnesota State Fair

The Minnesota State Fair has come and gone, but it's not too early to start planning for next year. While music, games, and entertainment can contribute to a fun fair experience, the best part of the fair is the food. With so many booths and options to choose from, it can be slightly overwhelming. Here are my top five foods from the fair this year:

1. Sweet Martha's Cookies

Served warm from the oven, with melted chocolate chips in every bite, it's no wonder these treats are by far the most popular snack at the Minnesota State Fair. And, it's practically impossible to eat just one. These cookies are addictive. They are available in a small cone, large cone, and bucket sizes and as of 2016 the prices were $6 for the small cone, $7 for the large cone, $9 for a large cone with a glass of milk, and $16 for the bucket. I would recommend either the small cone if you don't plan on sharing or large cone if you plan on sharing with a friend. I shared a large cone with two friends and we each had three or four cookies.Or, if you want to enjoy Sweet Martha's for days to come, consider buying a bucket. A friend gave me the suggestion of eating the cookies until the lid can fit on the bucket and taking the rest home.

2. Sweet Potato Fries

While this snack may sound standard, the fries I enjoyed at the fair were anything but. The fries that I ordered from a stand that served a variety of potato and sweet potato concoctions, were served with a dip that really made the fries stand out. The dip appeared to be some sort of horseradish mixture and was slightly spicy, but not overwhelming. The stand also offered sweet potato fries served as a dessert with chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, and nuts. I also had the opportunity to sample deep fried mashed potato balls with bacon and cheese, but did not enjoy them as much as the sweet potato fries. The fries did cost $6, but the portion was almost enough for two people to split.

3. Corn Roast

Another one of the fair's most popular vendors, the corn roast stand, did not disappoint. While the line was long, it moved rather quickly. The roasted corn was dipped in melted butter, but some people requested it without, and people had the option of sprinkling salt or pepper on their corn. As a corn lover, I thought the corn was nicely cooked and flavorful. The stand also had an area outside for recycling corncobs which I thought was creative and innovative. And at only $3, the corn was well worth the price.

4. Fresh Squeezed Lemonade

Several vendors at the fair this year sold lemonade, but not all lemonade is created equal. If you plan on ordering lemonade at the fair, check to see whether it is advertised as freshly squeezed. Some vendors appeared to sell lemonade that was made from either a syrup or concentrate. The particular vendor that I visited offered freshly squeezed lemonade and also added half of a lemon to my glass. At $4 a glass it was a bit pricy for a drink, but I did run into some stands selling the same product for $3.

5. Dairy Goodness Ice Cream

Several stands at the fair sell ice cream, but I would recommend visiting the dairy goodness stand in the dairy barn building. The dairy barn is a place celebrating all things dairy, with displays from the cheese contest and a butter carving competition. The dairy goodness stand sells a variety of dairy products fresh from local Minnesota dairy farmers including milk, yogurt, shakes, malts, sundaes, and ice cream cones. I enjoyed a twist cone and was amazed by the quality of the ice cream. It was rich, creamy, and tasted very fresh. And at only $3 a cone, it was a nice reasonably priced dessert.

6. (Honorable Mention) Frozen Wine

While I did not purchase a frozen wine slush at the fair, I did have the opportunity to sample some at the creative activities booth. The stand offered mix for people wanting to make frozen wine at home, and wine slushes were available at another stand. I enjoyed the sweetness of the frozen wine. It tasted like a slush, but still had the flavor of a nice red wine.

The Minnesota State Fair offers so many food options and it can be tempting to go outside of the box when trying food. I recommend sticking with the basics as well as trying some of the most popular items at the fair. Also, consider sharing with a friend and tasting even more of what the fair has to offer.

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