Growing up I always thought of Wausau, WI as a big city. But as you got older you realized how small it is compared to the larger cities like Milwaukee, Madison, or Minneapolis. People think that there is always something to do in Wausau, which there is until you eventually get tired of it. But you still manage to visit those places because there is nothing else to do!
1. Skiing or Snowboarding at the hill
2. Hiking around the quarry
3. Going to the sand bar
4. Chilling at Tiki 
5. Painting pottery at Clay Corners
5. Devouring a 1lb ice cream cone at Briqs
6. Half Price Apps at Applebees
7. Catching an athletic event 
8. Hanging out with friends at a lively concert on the 400 block
9. Watching cars speed by at State Park Speedway
10. Playing some pickup hockey at Doepke Park 
Yes, Wausau can get old and boring but when you're away from it for some time you truly miss what good 'ole Wausau has, even though its small.