There's always that one person who's the baby of the group. It could be because of actual age or personality, or a mix of the two. For the vast majority of my friend groups, that person is me. Most of the time, it doesn't have any effect on my day to day interactions with my friends, but when it does, it really does. So I present to you: the top ten worst things about being younger than your friends.
1. I'll have water, thanks.
It's super fun to be the only one who can't order a beer with dinner... not. It is in fact incredibly disappointing to go out with my sister and her friends or my group at school and say, "I'm good with water," because I can't order a celebratory drink with them. Cheers with some high quality H2O, anyone?
2. What's a bar?
On that same line of thought, going out to a bar is just not something I can be part of. Unless I want to risk an MIP of course, which I don't. Let's be real, this normally isn't too cumbersome, but it would be nice to turn it down for another reason besides I can't. Even when my friends that are in the same year as me turn 21, I'll still be anywhere from four months to a year behind them.
3. It's like I'm a toddler.
I couldn't name the amount of times one of my friends, in my year, has said, "I always forget how young you are." We're in the same class. That's all I have to say about that one.
4. Will you be needing a kids menu?
I was actually asked if I needed a kids menu once. Too recently for it to be understandable. When people guess my age, they're usually a couple years under. I could never pass for anything older than the actual age I am. I guess I'll just look younger even when I'm old? That's the dream.
5. When I grow up...
I'm constantly trying not to wish I was older, but watching my older friends get to do things I won't be able to do for a long time is like watching everyone else's food come at a restaurant and then the waiter looks at you and says it'll be right out. You just want it to be ready so much more badly than if you didn't see other people enjoying it. I specifically remember having this envy when my sister could vote for the first time and I had to wait three more years.
6. I'm adorable.
Being the baby often makes me comparable to a small forest creature for some reason. I'm always "cute." The older I get and the more I am called that, the more I hate it. From people that are more than 10 years older than me, it's fine. From any less, it's like being patted on the head. It's sweet, just a tad condescending.
7. When's your birthday?
When do you get old enough that you no longer compare birthdays to see who's actually the youngest in the group? I want to be that age. I want to be less excited when my friend was born two months after me. But for now, it's a real accomplishment to find out someone else knows the pain and will feel it longer than you.
8. I'm not my age.
My older sister is my best friend in the world and she is three years older than me. Her two best friends are some of my closest friends as well. My closest friends range from two months to five years older than me, except like two people. Some of that is actually the fact that they don't really care how old I am, because I am vastly more mature than my 19 years... most of the time. I've always been an old soul, but that doesn't save me from being the youngest.
9. I can only imagine.
Some struggles my friends are going through I actually can't identify with yet. Like paying rent, or completing a SIP. But the anxiety they feel about those things makes me look towards the future in terror and excitement. It is lovely to know people who have already done it and can help me through it when I get there.
10. Where did you go?
The worst thing by far about being the baby is getting left behind. That sounds really sad, but it's completely true. Watching your favorite people graduate and move on to bigger and better things while you're like, "Yeah I'll just be here, doing the same thing for two more years," is like being a puppy and watching your human leave for work every day. I love seeing them get to move on, but I hate that I can't go with them.