Top Ten Things for Kids to do in NYC | The Odyssey Online
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Top Ten Things for Kids to do in NYC

Best Activities to do with Kids

Top Ten Things for Kids to do in NYC
Keely Fickau

Top Ten Things to Do with Kids in NYC

1. The High Line

The High Line is an elevated section of New York Central Railroad which has been redesigned and planted as an aerial greenway and rails to trails park. The 1.45-mile-long park runs from Gansevoort Street to 34th Street near Javits Convention Center. Where else can your kids walk through a field of wildflowers or go on a bug hunt as cars zoom along the street below?

2. Central Park Zoo

In 1961, Senator Herbert Lehman and his wife Edith opened Central Park Zoo for children. They feature many exotic animals such as snow leopard, sea lion, grizzly bear and many more. Children can feed and pet the animals from 10am-2pm within Tisch Children’s Zoo exhibit at Central Park Zoo.

3. American Girl Place

The first line of American Girl was released in 1986. New York City has a store located on Fifth Avenue. This store has American Girl Café where one can enjoy delicious food options, Doll Hair Salon where dolls get pampered and ready to go with their owner, Truly Me Signature Studio is where the owner creates different shirt designs for their doll to wear. American Girl Place offers birthday parties and personalization.

4.Nintendo World

Located in New York City at Rockefeller Center is a two-story, 10,000-square-foot store opened on May 14, 2005. Nintendo World sells a variety of video games, merchandise, apparel, hardware, and accessories. The exclusive items that are one-of-a-kind are Japanese Mario character plushies, game guides to GoldenEye 007 and Super Mario Galaxy. This place is every game-lovers heaven.

5. Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

The USS Intrepid is one of twenty-four Essex-class aircraft carriers built during World War II for the United States Navy. The USS Intrepid relocated to its permanent home on Pier 86. The Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum has nearly thirty vintage planes on the flight deck, a guided missile submarine and the space shuttle Enterprise.

6. Dylan’s Candy Bar

Dylan’s Candy Bar claims to house over 7,000 confections making it one of the largest selections of candies to satisfy any sweet-tooth’s craving. They have many different options of personalizing your own candy bin to whatever one wants or to choose from the endless array of chocolates and other boxed treats. While the kids indulge in ice cream, parents can relax with a pink cotton candy martini.

7. The Children’s Museum of Manhattan

Bette Korman founded the Children’s Museum of Manhattan in 1973. The purpose was to teach kids and parents about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Some activities include children taking care of baby animals, going on missions with Dora in the Cloud Forest and cooking Latin American meals for a fiesta.

8. Madame Tussauds

In the heart of Times Square is over two hundred waxed figures of famous people dispersed on five different floors. Madame Tussauds was a wax sculptor in 1761 and her legacy still lives on. The Museum opened in 2000. In July, they released Ghostbusters waxed figures. Children can explore and see their favorite famous stars.

9.Escape Room NYC

Located in Midtown and Downtown are two interactive games where teams have to work together in order to escape the room. The purpose of the Escape Room is to use your wits and to find clues to help solve the puzzles and get a key to your freedom. All thrill-seekers will enjoy a chance at escaping the room.

10. Chelsea Piers

The sports complex is located right along the Hudson River. They have activities including a bowling alley, indoor ice skating in winter and summer skate park. The Field House offers leagues and classes where children can Drop-in Programs which include batting cages, soccer fields, basketball courts, a gymnastics area, and a rock wall.

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