Top 10 Summer Songs of 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Summer Songs of 2016

It's hot, humid and a great time for music

Top 10 Summer Songs of 2016
Summer Music Festival

We're already half-way through the year, and although 2016 has been quite chaotic, summer is here, and things are getting hot. Popular musicians have been dropping hit after hit, and things are going to get even warmer. From Beyonce to Drake, the charts have been dominated by music giants, and here are the top ten summer songs of 2016.

10. "Never Forget You" by Zara Larsson feat. MNEK

This is one of those songs that kind of strikes a chord with listeners, as it's about unrequited love and being with the person who you care about the most, no matter how far away we may be. It almost makes you want to cry, because the music video is Zara Larsson singing in such a powerful, as the girl in the music video and her monster friend remain close even in old age. If that doesn't tug at your heartstrings, then I don't know what does.

9. "Don't Mind" by Kent Jones

So many different languages were spoken in this song, not only will you get to listen to a great song, but you will know a few phrases to speak when you travel abroad! Mr. Kent Jones is relatively new on the scene, but that doesn't make him not worth listening to. This is a song to listen to while driving in the car, or with you and your friends just chilling at home, it gets the mood going with great hooks and lyrics.

8. "Work From Home" Fifth Harmony feat. Ty Dolla $ign

Fifth Harmony is kind of my guilty pleasure, and I like them quite bit. I like them more than I should. There songs are a mix of catchy girl-power lyrics with enough groove to dance to, and not feel weird about it. This song is a lot more relaxed and easy-going than their other material, but it gets the job done.

7. "Sorry" by Justin Bieber

Sure, J-Biebs might be a child-star turned punk jerk, but he has always garnered a huge fan base with his talent and music. Weirdly enough, there's a market out for it. But his recent album, Purpose, has good songs on it. Like, really good songs. "Sorry" takes you to that place of comfort and relaxation. It's also too hard to not sing it when it comes on the radio.

6. "One Dance" by Drake feat. WizKid and Kyla

Drake is good, like really good, and this song is haunting, yet amazing at the same time. It makes you want to dance, and groove and almost grind up on someone in the club, weirdly enough. This is another example that solidifies Drake as a creative and great rapper. It is almost hard to not like his music.

5. "Oui" by Jeremih

Now, this is another song to just put on at your place, you and your friends, just chilling and relaxing, and enjoying a nice evening. It's so smooth, so peaceful and so great at the same time. Smooth like fine chocolate and wine. Alright, slight exaggeration, but it's a great song to just chill and relax to.

4. "Work" by Rihanna feat. Drake

My gosh, this song is so silly and stupid. But damn is this song so good. It reminds me of "Hotline Bling" by Drake, such a silly song, who in their right mind would listen to it? Me, and everyone else. I cannot understand a lot of what Rihanna is saying, but I do not care, this song is great, and I love it. I've been singing the lyrics for the past two weeks just by myself randomly in public, that is how much I love it.

3. "Formation" by Beyonce

- Nowadays, any top ten list wouldn't be complete without listing Beyonce. Come on, she's Beyonce. She was the artist of the past decade, and she continues to make everyone want to be her. And to top it all off, Lemonade is one of the greatest albums, ever. "Formation" is catchy, impressive, and makes you want to dance and think. Not many songs have the power to do that.

2. "Middle" by DJ Snake feat. Bipolar Sunshine

- This low-key DJ might beat out Queen Bee, but this song is so darn catchy and lofty. The beats and sounds are out of this world, and DJ Snake does it all brilliantly. What gets me the most is that how it's about love and spending time with someone, and this mix hits the mark of perfectly becoming a quality, summer song

1. "Can't Stop The Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake

After conquering the late '90s with N'SYNC, the new millennium was no match for Justin Timberlake. Armed with a mic, a catchy and fun music video and a glam, new tune, he broke the barrier with "Can't Stop The Feeling." He's gorgeous, funny and talented, and this song perfectly encapsulates the essence of summer. It's all about the fun and the groove of the song, and this is what makes it the top summer song of 2016

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