If you grew up as a dancer, specifically a competition kid, you know how much stress and excitement came along with competition weekends. The week before, you probably spent every day at your studio until at least 10 p.m. running and re-running the dances that were on the roster for the upcoming weekend. You then packed up your car, shoved all your hairspray, costumes, shoes, and glitter in the trunk, and drove to whatever hotel was hosting this weekend's event. If you were super lucky, you got to wake up early Saturday morning to participate in day-long workshops taught by dance professionals who are apparently a big deal, but you're sure you've never heard of them. The competition lasts all night and by 1 a.m., you finally stumble back into your hotel room and pass out with a full face of makeup and your warm up suit still on, just to rinse and repeat on Sunday. Though these weekends are filled with fun times with friends, endless snacks, and performing on a big stage, there are so many #struggles that we competition kids faced during the short but intense competition weekends. Here are the worst of them.
1. When you and your mom get into a screaming match in the dressing room and everyone is staring at you, but you just don't care because she put your costume away wrong or got you the wrong sandwich.
2. When you're backstage and realize you forgot to take off your nail polish so you start frantically scratching to get the worst of it off.
3. Similarly, when you're backstage and you realize you're not wearing your bright red lipstick.
4. When your hair is so sprayed and gelled in your high pony, but you have to switch it to a low bun with a part with 30 seconds to spare.
5. When you realize the right glove of your hip hop costume is missing and have to face the already stressed choreographer forcing her to make a game time decision that no one wears the right glove.
6. When you completely screw up the routine on stage and spend the rest of the night thinking about the wrath of the choreographer you will have to face when you get back to the studio on Monday.
7. When you miss your cue on stage and miss the part completely.
8. When your fake eyelashes just won't cooperate.
9. When you think you're done for the weekend then your dance gets called to perform again for a separate award, and you have five minutes to completely get ready.
10. When it's all over and you have to wait months until you get to do it again.