In honor of one of the most fantastic, relatable TV shows for twenty-somethings everywhere airing the season 4 premiere this weekend, here’s a list of ten quotes from HBO’s Girls that, don’t lie, made you think, “hey, I’m not the only one…”
“You know what the weirdest part about having a job is? You have to be there, every day, even on the days you don’t feel like it.” – Jessa
Thank you! Finally, someone said it. What if I don’t want to work 2-10 at my part time job at American Eagle? Well, too bad, I was scheduled, so I’d better get my a** there. I’m sure it will be even worse when I end up with the dreaded 9-5 cubicle job that is legitimately every. Single. Day.
“Endorphins don’t work on me.” –Hannah
I’m really glad working out made you feel better, and I appreciate you giving me advice to go on a run, but I think sitting here and eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked will do me much more good than any exercisewill, thank you very much.
“I will never be bored, as long as there’s Halloween.” –Shoshanna
Don’t lie, we know you’ve already been brainstorming for you 2016 Halloween costume even though it’s only February…Shoshanna is right, this ridiculous holiday keeps life entertaining.
“Sometimes being stuck in my own head is so exhausting that it makes me want to cry.” – Marnie
Okay, Marnie, this one just got way too real.
“I am an individual and I feel, how I feel, when I feel it.” – Hannah
I don’t know about you, but this thought runs through my head every time I feel the need to apologize for being sad, or nervous, or angry, or too happy, or any other normal human emotion that I am feeling in that moment.
“I just wish someone would tell me, like, ‘this is how the rest of your life should look.”’ –Marnie
This is relatable just about every day when you’re going to class and work and wondering “what is the point of all of this? Where on earth am I going to end up?”
It’s a Wednesday night, baby, and I’m alive.” –Hannah
This is relatable just about every weekday when you have had absolutely enough of your economics homework or the creative writing piece you have been struggling with and just want a stiff drink or five.
“I can’t be surrounded by your negativity while I’m trying to grow into a fully formed woman.” –Shoshanna
You tell ‘em, Shosh. This quote is a good reminder to not let other people’s negativity bring you down.
"I don’t like women telling other women what to do or how to do it or when to do it." -Jessa
The girl power in this show is unreal. I guess it makes sense, being that it’s called "Girls."
“I can’t guarantee perfection, but I can guarantee intrigue.” –Hannah
What a way to end season 4, with Hannah saying this incredible quote to a newborn baby, simply about life in general. I’d say that pretty much sums up my experience with life thus far.
We can’t wait to see what season 5 of "Girls" brings to the table! Watch it on Sundays at 10:00 p.m. on HBO.