Hufflepuffs are thought of as the left overs, which we certainly are not. Hogwarts is just as lucky to have Hufflepuffs as they are to have Gryffindors. If you need convincing, then I have the top 10 reasons.
1. We’re always going to be Momma’s favorites.
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In an interview, J.K. Rowling told about how her daughter Jessica said that “we should all want to be Hufflepuffs” and Jo agreed with her and said that she “would not be at all disappointed to be sorted into Hufflepuff house. So, I’m a little upset that anyone does feel that way.” Listen, when J.K. Rowling tells you to be happy that you are a Hufflepuff and not get upset, then you listen to her!
2. Hufflepuffs are the original ride or die.
One of the main traits of the Hufflepuff house is loyalty. It’s not just that we are loyal, it’s that we value loyalty above other traits. For example, most of the Hufflepuffs stayed to fight in The Battle of Hogwarts and Tonks was so loyal to the Order and Remus that she left Teddy and went into the battle knowing it might end her life. This trait makes having a Hufflepuff as a friend one of the best things to ever happen to you.
3. Our founder was the only sane one.
Helga Hufflepuff didn’t want only the purebloods and the most cunning, nor only the brave and daring nor only the intelligent and original students. Helga Hufflepuff wanted to teach all kids. The goal of being a teacher should really be to teach all kids. Our founder is the only one who really showed that she wanted to teach all kids and wasn’t expecting 11-year-olds to already have developed sharpened traits.
4. Professor Sprout is our Head of House and she kicks butt.
Herbology is pretty much kick-butt biology. It’s dangerous and helps save the day. All of our loved ones would still be petrified from the Chamber of Secrets if Professor Sprout hadn’t been able to raise perfect mandrakes.
5. Hufflepuffs understand love so much.
We just do. We are loyal, good-hearted, passionate, patient, giving and dependable. Hufflepuffs will be there for you in your time of need with a hug and other loving gestures.
6. Badgers are not weak.
Have you ever seen a Badger get mad? Badgers are built with claws that are as strong as steel so they can move yards of dirt in mere minutes. They can easily take down snakes and other large prey with their fangs and fierceness. Even though we aren’t weak, we try not to make enemies when first meeting a person. But if someone we love is in danger, we will attack. You will feel our wrath if we don’t like you.
7. There are a lot of awesome Hufflepuffs.
Just look at them. We have Helga Hufflepuff (founder of Hogwarts), Bridget Wenlock (Invisible Ink mathematician), Newt Scamander (author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them), Pomona Sprout (our Head of House), Nymphadora Tonks (Order of the Phoenix Member) and Cedric Diggory (a true Hufflepuff). Face it, you can’t even name one Hufflepuff bad guy. Well, there is Zacharias Smith, but he’s not half as bad as most of the bad guys. Not only that, but John Green and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are Hufflepuffs!
8. We have the best located Common Room.
We get to hang out near the kitchens all the time. We get to be all warm and toasty when we’re barreling down for a good night’s rest. Plus, we have the best opportunities to make friends with the house-elves and get awesome snacks all the time.
9. Our house ghost is amazing.
We get the Fat Friar to call our own. The ghost that is always welcoming and cheerful, even to the other houses. He defends Peeves and believes in giving out second chances.
10. Many Hufflepuffs actually decide not to go into the other house, even if it’s unintentional.
Hufflepuffs are intelligent, cunning and courageous, but that’s not what we think is important. Hufflepuffs believe that loyalty, honesty and being true to yourself are more important than any of the other traits. We were not sorted as a Hufflepuff because we are dumb, not cunning enough or cowardly, we were sorted into Hufflpuff because we believe we have something more to offer the world. We believe that there are more important things than being the smartest, the most cunning or the bravest.