Top 10 Most Disliked Republican Senators | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Most Disliked Republican Senators

Why Congress has an approval rating of 11 percent.

Top 10 Most Disliked Republican Senators

According to recent Gallup Poll, the United States Congress has an approval rating of just 11 percent. 11 percent? Barely one in 10 people will say they actually like the congressmen who represent us. The funny part is that the majority of Congress is Republican, yet only 8 percent of Republicans polled actually endorsed congress. Even Democrats and Independents say they approve 11 percent and 13 percent of the time, respectively. The group who has the least amount of faith of those in Congress is the same group with the majority in Congress. This means Republicans actually dislike the Republican congress more than Democrats and liberals. With that being said, let's see why these Republican senators are so disliked in today's society.

10. Thom Tillis, North Carolina

As of right now, it's very easy to see why he could be on this list, with the HB2 bathroom law making North Carolina look bad in the public eye and some other things I've been able to dig up. A relation to the Ku Klux Klan was revealed after the group Anonymous hacked several accounts of clansmen on Twitter. What also looks bad on his record is seeing that his state North Carolina is in the bottom 10 for capital spending on public education (K-12). Pretty easy to see how he ended up on this list, near the top of the bottom... just like his state's capital spending on education! He might be as proud of that as his how he is of North Carolina being the ninth largest state, which is a line he uses often to brag with in political speeches.

9. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin

First thing easily said about Ron Johnson is his use of prison inmates for labor in businesses that he owns. On top of that, they are then paid measly wages by the state. Not only are the wages unfair, but he is not even responsible for paying them. This would be enough if he didn't also stand with a controversial author name Charles Murray. Charles Murray is famous for writing a book that literally said, and this is a direct quote, "It doesn't pay to educate black children." This senator endorsed this author? What a slime ball! A racist bigot in control of political power and our number nine most disliked Republican senator.

8. Joni Ernst, Iowa

The first woman on our list, Joni Ernst! Unfortunately, Ernst is a literal puppet. Her entire campaign in Iowa was set up and run by the billionaire Koch brothers who bought advertising and paved a way for her victory with billions of dollars in special interest money. Once in power, Ernst's first move was to defund Planned Parenthood. A woman fighting against a service to help other women? Smells fishy to me, yet this isn't the only unpopular stances Ernst has taken in the Senate. She has called for the removal of the federal minimum wage, and stated that President Obama "has become a dictator and should be impeached." Typical big mouth Republican talking points that work well with the extreme right wing enthusiast, yet makes her appear deranged to the masses. Also noted as potential VP candidate. Oh, how sad that would be for Mrs. Ernst, or my personal nickname, Sarah Palin 2.0.

7. David Vitter, Louisana

The infamous prostitution scandal has plagued David Vitter for almost his entire political career. Recently, Mr. Vitter was caught skipping a ceremony for soldiers who died in the line of duty to answer a call from a mistress. Preaching religion as a part of his political campaign that scorns sex outside of marriage, yet this guy can't get his hand out of the honey pot. Easy way to end up on these list by being a known hypocrite.

6. Orrin Hatch, Utah

Here comes another bigot with more hate in his heart than the Grinch on Christmas Eve. Mr. Hatch really stirred the LGBT community when saying this at the University of Utah in 1977: "I wouldn't want to see homosexuals teaching school anymore than I'd want to see members of the American Nazi Party teaching school." Wow, comparing the Nazis to homosexuals. Comparing those with sexual feelings different than your own to a political movement that massacred millions of people, including homosexuals. Hopefully, this guy does not get re-elected, and if he does, it speaks volumes to Utah's character. With more tolerant and secular views spreading in the United Sates, Hatch's days as a senator are surely numbered, especially if he keeps up a very right wing campaign.

5. Jeff Flake, Arizona

Other than being a hypocrite, another easy way to get on the list of disliked senators is by simply not listening to the people you are supposed to represent. In his home state, the majority of Arizona natives wanted background checks on firearm purchases on both the Democratic, Independent and Republican sides. Despite a very clear bipartisan agreement, Flake voted to filibuster the bill in hopes of it failing. This ruined his long-standing support and has been one of the most disliked senators since.

4. Jerry Moran, Kansas

Jerry Moran is extremely disliked in his own state for not living there and instead living out of Virginia, but that's not the reason he is on this list. Oh no, this guy is as sour as a lemon dipped in vinegar. First off, I would like to say Mr. Moran voted yes on more funding for Mexico to fight drugs, voted yes on military border patrols to battle drugs and terrorism, and voted yes on prohibiting needle exchange and medical marijuana in District of Columbia. Yet mysteriously... almost, dare I say it? Suspiciously! Voted no on subjecting federal employees to random drug tests. Just a hunch, but someone should randomly drug test him. Yet sadly more bigotry, to keep with the trend here, Mr. Moran voted on not enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes. Apparently, to Mr. Moran, if you beat up a homosexual, it should be okay. Disgraceful and shameful. Do have you no decency, Mr. Moran? Of course you don't. That's why you're on this list!

3. Marco Rubio, Florida

Mr. Marco Rubio, or according to Donald Trump, Little Marco, really saw a dip in his popularity rating once the political race for presidency began. Being made a fool of in debates to Trump really hurt his standing. Another huge factor was that he basically stopped showing up to work to keep campaigning in a race he had already lost. This lead to his eventual loss in his home state, and later dropping out of the presidential race completely, overshadowed by the big bad Donald.

2. Ted Cruz, Texas

Another presidential candidate who just recently dropped out of the presidential race, nicknamed Lying Ted by his political rival Donald Trump. Cruz draws lots of negative reaction from the public due to an extreme religious right wing agenda, which is the majority of the platform he stands for. Cruz has been extreme enough to even try and ban dildos in his home state of Texas. Cruz is so disliked that a random teenager yelled, "you suck" at a rally he was holding in Indiana. In addition, another Republican, Senator Lindsey Graham, once said, "If someone killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate and the trial was held in the Senate, no one would convict you." That's real hate, and that is from another senator! To credit Cruz, however, he did run a good race, though in both this list and in the Republican primary race, he came in second. Though being on this list isn't something to be proud of, but no one his proud of him for his service anyway, so that seems fair.

1. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky

I really could go on and on about why Mitch McConnell is number one on this list. I mean, really, he has so many negative stories out that it's amazing he is still a senator. A main reason for this, however, is McConnell's voting record. McConnell will vote to save money in any way possible, including ending aide to the first responders of 9/11, but when it comes to his own state of Kentucky, he will vote in any way to make himself look good for re-election. He honestly is the dirtiest and slimiest politician on this list. That's a big deal knowing that at number two is Ted Cruz. The only good thing is that his numbers in public opinion polls are so low that his chance of winning re-election look slim, but only time will tell.

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