1. Testing Your Foundation On Your Face And Not Your Neck
Come on, we’ve all been guilty of picking out a stellar new foundation without testing it our first on our skin. Or, the problem that I frequently have, buying for a different season skin than the one I currently posses. The key here is to ALWAYS test it on your neck first and blend it upwards towards your face, that way you won't look like you've been spray painted.
2. Not Using Lip Liner
Something that is completely overlooked but completely necessary, especially if you are someone without the fullest of lips and desire them. Lining your lips make the lipstick color reach it’s true potential so moral of the story is: do not complain about the color looking different than the sample, if you don’t use lip liner!
3. Using Too Much Of A Product
Remember that favorite eyeshadow that you had back in high school, that matched everything, seemed to do no wrong and was exceedingly more suave than yourself? Yeah, you used too much of it. It was a great color but you, and all of us alike, abused it!
4. Being Intimidated By Certain Makeup Techniques
Makeup is scary, especially when it comes in a fancy package with a french name and costs more than a dinner for four. However that doesn’t mean you can’t use it! A highlighter is a highlighter, just make sure said highlighter won’t set you back on your rent.
5. Using The Wrong Brushes
Contrary to popular belief, money cannot buy you happiness, but a brush that feels as though a cloud is kissing your cheek, may. It doesn’t matter the quality of the makeup, if you don’t use the proper brushes, it will go on just as horribly as that CVS eyeshadow you used in high school (no offense to CVS, you have lovely things).
6. Not Using Primer
Such a small step, but such a vital step. Primer allows your makeup to stay for legitimately HOURS longer than without it. So if you’re heading out for a night on the town and you sweat more than a linebacker, like myself, this product will be a god sent.
7. Assuming The Higher The Price, The Better The Quality
Now contrary to my inspirational speech I said about not being intimidated by expensive makeup and conquering your fears, just because the price is high does not mean you should buy. This is a common misconception when it comes to expensive makeup that occasionally has its truths. Normally that 70 dollar bronzer will be better than the 10 dollar one, but that’s not the case will all high priced makeup so do your research before throwing your rent away!
8. Being Intimidated By Certain Techniques in Makeup
The amount of people that have watched me while I do my makeup and stare in amazement, makes me sad. So many of my friends are intimidated by simple concepts such as contouring, baking etc. Makeup is a skill like any other and requires practice; you can’t become a pro contour artist overnight people, it took me my entire high school career and many nights alone to get through it (I wasn't the most popular in high school).
9. Rushing Through Certain Steps
Just because you do something everyday does not mean you are an expert at it. Every piece of makeup you put on, new or old, takes the same amount of attention. Don't focus on perfectly winging your eyeliner and take two minutes on your foundation because trust me, its noticeable.
10. Not Having Fun
Sometimes we become so stuck in our habits and abilities that we forget to enjoy what we're doing! Makeup is an art form, it is not supposed to be a chore. Take pride in your work and allow your makeup to voice who you are to the world!