Top Ten Jobs for a Marketing Major | The Odyssey Online
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Top Ten Jobs for a Marketing Major

Whether you have just graduated or you are looking into the marketing field, these are some jobs that you might want to look at

Top Ten Jobs for a Marketing Major

As a marketing major I have always paid special attention to jobs that I think I would be god at and jobs that would fit into what I wanted to do. Since I have now graduated from college, the job search is more than important. Based on an article that Rasmussen College pasted, these are the top ten in demand jobs that a marketing major should get.

Marketing Manager

The projected growth for this job is between 9% and 13%. The median salary in 2014 was $127,130. As a marketing manager you would het to assess financial aspects, product development aspects, and research aspects of the company you work for. If you like to look at a little bit of everything, this is the job for you.

Sales Representative

The projected growth for this job is between 5% and 8%. The median salary in 2014 was $55,020. As a sales represented you would engage with customers by answering questions and helping them to solutions. This is a job for a go-getter and the opportunity for growth increases the more you push yourself.

Marketing Specialist

The projected growth for the job is at 14% or higher and the median salary in 2014 was $61,290. The daily duties of a marketing specialist include analyzing customer data prices, and competitors. This job is great for someone who enjoys graphics because many things have to be illustrated to show rise and decline.

Sales Manager

This job will grow between 5% and 8% and the median annual salary was $110,660. This is the job for you if you like to smooth over customer complaints is the sales and service departments. You would be overseeing local and regional sales and reviewing operational records.

Public Relations Specialist

This job will grow between 5% and 8% as well and you can plan on about $55,680 per year. A public relations specialist will respond to information from the media. They will also go over policies and objectives throughout the organization while planning the development and communication parts of the company. Basically this is a great job for someone who likes people and is good at public speaking.

Account Manager

The projected growth of an account manager is between 5% and 8% with a median salary in 2014 of $101,510. This job has a lot to do with maintaining the company image. You would also be responsible for building relationships with clients, media, and even government officials. This would be a great job for someone who liked to write because you are also responsible for press releases and maintaining the company webpages.

Human Resources Specialist

You can make about $58,000 a year with this job and the job will grow between 5% and 8% like many of the other jobs listed. This job has a lot to do with employee relations issues like harassments, work complaints, and employee concerns. This job will require you to have some law knowledge since you will be dealing with official allegations.

Assistant Store Manager

Assistant Sore Managers make about $38,000 annually and the projected growth is between 2% and 4%. This job is the step before the store manager position, but encompasses a lot of the same duties. You will be responsible for taking inventory, dealing with customers and employees, and making sure that the store is meeting all standards.

Business Intelligence Analyst

The project growth for a business intelligence analyst is also between 2% and 4% and in 2014 the median annual salary was $83,410. You would be responsible for analyzing competitive marketing strategies and networking in this position. You would also have to look at data having to do with industry reports.

Operations Manager

The projected growth for this job is between 5% and 8%. The median annual salary in 2014 was $97.270. As an operations manager you will be expected to monitor suppliers and make sure that the goods are being provided properly. You would also have to coordinate with departments on distribution and pricing. A financial background would be beneficial with this job because you have to look at performance data and financial statements.

There are more than 10 jobs that marketing majors can look into and as you can see from the list, many jobs overlap with different majors. Marketing is a very diverse field to go into and there is a lot of opportunity for growth and change.


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