The Top 10 James Bond Movies | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 10 James Bond Movies

Of the 24, only 10 really matter.

The Top 10 James Bond Movies

There have been 24 James Bond movies, and six actors to portray 007 (Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig), but only the best have made this list. You may notice that only two actors have made the list and this is purposeful. Of the six, only two really had what it takes to have a license to kill. The others are mediocre, at best.

10. "Diamonds Are Forever" - Sean Connery

This was Sean Connery's last appearance in the official James Bond series (he would star in the independent remake of "Thunderball Never Say Never Again"), and it was definitely his worst. Connery was asked to come back after his successor, George Lazenby, left the series after just one movie, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service." "Diamonds Are Forever" is only on the list because Sean Connery is in it. The movie itself is way too campy, and Connery looks a little too old to play the part. However, even with his worst film, Connery beats out four other actors and 14 other movies.

9. "Quantum of Solace" - Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig's second appearance could be described as a movie-length epilogue of his first appearance in "Casino Royale." Following the betrayal and death of his love interest, Vesper Lynd, Bond goes rogue in order to find and destroy the organization she was working for. Bond kicks a lot of ass in this movie, which makes it awesome, but after further consideration, the story line is lacking. Another flaw is that Daniel Craig never poses like he does in the movie poster (pictured above). He looks pretty awesome there, and it's a shame that he doesn't do it in the movie. Although the story was lacking, Craig's portrayal of Bond and the action make up for it.

8. "You Only Live Twice" - Sean Connery

After the disappearance of an American and a Soviet spacecraft, Bond travels to Japan in order to thwart nuclear war. It is a little stupid that Bond teams up with the head of the Japanese secret service, Tiger Tanaka, and his band of ninjas, but once again, Connery's portrayal of Bond makes up for it. The movie also features Q's finest gadgets, "Little Nellie." "Little Nellie" is a small helicopter that bond uses to survey the volcano where SPECTRE is based. "You Only Live Twice" is also the first time we actually see Ernst Stavro Blofeld. In previous films, you are only able to see the lower half of his body, stroking a cat. His appearance is heavily parodied by Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies.

7. "Dr. No" - Sean Connery

"Dr. No" was the first Bond film in the series as well as Sean Connery's first time playing Bond. The movie also establishes some of the Bond series' most iconic aspects, such as the view of Bond through the barrel of a gun and the highly stylized main sequence. Bond was introduced into the film in the now iconic nightclub scene shown above. He introduces himself with his trademark statement, "Bond, James Bond."

6. "Spectre" - Daniel Craig

"Spectre" may have been placed higher had it appeared before "Skyfall," but even still, it is a more than worthy addition to the James Bond series. Unfortunately, it may be Daniel Craig's final movie as James Bond. If it is his last movie, he will be going out on a high note. Through his four movies, Craig has come to be the deadliest James Bond, wracking up the most on-screen kills than any of the other actors with 24. (The next highest is Connery with 9). In "Spectre," Craig has fully developed into his character and it shows. The film is also the first time in the Daniel Craig era that we are introduced to Blofeld, portrayed by Christoph Waltz. Critics of the film are saying the film is too long and predictable. I disagree on the length, and aren't all Bond films predictable? If this is his last time being Bond, Craig has shown to be the best Bond since Connery (and arguably the best Bond).

5. "Thunderball" - Sean Connery

"Thunderball" leads Bond to the Bahamas in search of two nuclear bombs stolen by SPECTRE. With the help of his CIA counterpart Felix Leiter, Bond faces Emilio Largo, SPECTRE's number two guy. The film has a good Bond, a good story, a good Bond girl, and good action. The only problem is Largo says some of the most redundant lines. While on a boat, Largo asks his henchman to, "Turn on the underwater landing lights." I don't know why I have a problem with this. It just seems obvious that the landing lights in the Caribbean would be underwater. While in front of a hatch that leads underwater, Largo instructs his henchmen to, "Open the underwater hatch." A simple, "Open the hatch," would have sufficed. You have to see the movie to fully understand how unnecessary these lines are.

The next four are a toss up. Three and four, and one and two can be interchanged.

4. "From Russia With Love" - Sean Connery

"From Russia With Love" is Connery's second appearance as Bond. Some critics will argue that this is the best Bond film of all time. Although it is good, I would not consider it to be the best. It does, however, contain one of the best scenes between the SPECTRE assassin played by Robert Shaw, and Bond on a train.

3. "Casino Royale" - Daniel Craig

This is the first appearance of Daniel Craig as James Bond. Many people were skeptical of Craig portraying Bond, because of his blonde hair (Bond is known to have to hair), but they were proven that his hair made no difference. Craig easily immersed himself in the role, making himself a more violent and believable Bond. He also proves that he is the best Bond since Connery. The story line is also the origin story of Bond, and it is interesting to see why he is how he is. Aside from Bond, the film also contains the best portrayed Felix, played by Jeffrey Wright. Unlike the other Felix's, Wright's Felix can be seen as the American Bond.

2. "Skyfall" - Daniel Craig

Personally, "Skyfall" is my favorite Bond movie, but it did not feel right putting it in front of the number one movie on this list. Beginning with an awesome opening sequence and an Academy Award winning song by Adele, "Skyfall" starts strong and never stops. Bond is struggling after nearly dying and he is set up to face one his most difficult villains, played by Javier Bardem. Unlike other Bond villains, Bardem's Silva is not set on destroying or controlling the world. He is focused on one thing, ruining and then killing M, played by Judi Dench. The movie is also simpler when it comes to gadgets, which I think was refreshing. Bond was only given a gun and a radio to finish the mission, making the movie more human. "Skyfall" is the last time we see Judi Dench play M. Dench was, by far, the best M in the series, but she has a worthy replacement in Ralph Fiennes. I personally believe that "Skyfall" shows that Craig is the best Bond ever, even beating out Connery, but that is just me.

1. "Goldfinger" - Sean Connery

"Goldfinger" is the most iconic Bond film of all time. Goldfinger is the most recognizable Bond villain, and his henchman, Oddjob, is one of the best henchmen. The film also has one of the best named Bond girls, Pussy Galore. When most people think of a Bond movie they think of "Goldfinger," and that is why it has to be number one. It is Sean Connery's best movie and arguably the best Bond film.

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