As a young woman of the 21st century, I am proud to know of so many female role models, both public figures and #girlbosses in my everyday life (love you Mom). My Pinterest board titled "Who I Admire" is filled with photos of ground-breaking women. These ladies crushed female stereotypes and paved the way for girls of today to become strong women of tomorrow. However, I say with a heavy heart that I cannot fit them all into this single article. Although I could compile a list of hundreds of inspiring females, I condensed this hall of fame to a few of my favorites.
1. Malala Yousafzai
After Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for campaigning for women's educational rights, the young woman from Pakistan became a global inspiration. Her courage and perseverance to fight for education earned her multiple awards, including Harvard's Humanitarian of the Year and the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
2. Sophia Amoruso
The founder of Nasty Gal and author of #GIRLBOSS was recently named one of Forbes' richest self-made women. Not only does she have a net worth of $280 million, but is also the second youngest on the list. Amoruso proves to future female CEO's everywhere that with persistence and hard work, you can make your aspirations a reality.
3. Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn has been my role model since I was little. Her style, grace, and empathy for others undoubtedly inspired me to dress up as Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's for Halloween in middle school. Not only did Hepburn made cinematic history, but also thrived in her charity work. She founded the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund that aids children in Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Rwanda, and strives to bring education to children across the world. She also worked with UNICEF to support human rights for children.
4. Yusra Mardini
Many people have recently heard the heroic story of the Syrian olympic swimmer, and it is amazing to say the least. While traveling with her sister on a crowded boat to Greece, the boat's engine gave out. Mardini then tied her hand to the boat, and towed it across the water for three hours until they reached land. Her fearlessness is remarkable, and makes her an ideal role model for girls everywhere.
5. Emma Watson
Watson has made strides as an activist for female rights. In 2013, she was appointed as a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador. Her HeForShe campaign presents men and women's partnership in promoting equal rights and earned her a spot on Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People" in 2015. She has drawn attention to the representation of women in the film industry and business world, as well as the gender wage gap.
6. Anne Frank
I remember readingAnne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl in high school and rereading a particular line over and over again: "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." For a young girl in hiding during the Holocaust, expressing such empathy seemed impossible to me. Anne Frank is the woman I look to in times of hopelessness, and I find strength in her courage.
7. Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa dedicated her life to helping the poor in India and created the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, which was an organization of women who lived to serve the poor. Her tireless efforts to aid others inspire me to live selflessly. She will also be canonized as a saint this upcoming September.
8. Michelle Obama
I've recently become obsessed with boss-like first ladies, and Michelle Obama is no exception. Not only did she attend Princeton and Harvard Law School, but she also continues to emphasize the importance of education to today's youth. Her eloquence and class make her more than qualified to be a role model for young men and women across the country, even the world.
9. J.K. Rowling
Now an A-list author, Rowling has sold over 450 million copies of her books, which have also been translated into 79 different languages. She didn't give up when Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was rejected by dozens of publishers, and now is one of the most respected writers of all time. If that's not the story of a girl boss, I don't know what is.
10. Rosa Parks
Considering the political upheaval that surrounds the Black Lives Matter movement, I'd like to draw attention to Rosa Parks. She lived during a time of violence and hatred, and still chose to stand for her rights. Today, we can learn from her that all people deserve respect and love.