If you're like me and you love Christmas but can't decide what movies to actually watch this might help! Christmas movies play a huge part in getting into the holiday spirit so here is a list of 10 movies that will get you ready to see Old Saint Nick.
10. "A Charlie Brown Christmas"
This classic Christmas movie is one of my all time favorites. I can remember sitting downstairs with my family every year when it would come on TV. We'd laugh and sing along to the songs.
9. "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
The best part about this movie is that you can watch it during Halloween AND Christmas! Plus, who doesn't love a good Tim Burton movie.
8. "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"
This one is just self explanatory.
7. "Home Alone"
C'mon, you can't tell me you didn't watch this as a kid, and dream about acting like Kevin if a burglar ever came into your house.
6. "Frosty the Snowman"
If you didn't tear up when Santa found frosty as a puddle in the green house then are you even human??
5. "Elf"
"Bye buddy I hope you find your dad" Everyone loves this iconic Will Ferrell movie.
4. "A Christmas Story"
3. "It's A Wonderful Life"
This story really puts into perspective how important you really are to the world, and that you should be grateful for what you are given because it really truly is a wonderful life.
2. "The Polar Express"
This movie taught us that you should always choose to believe in something even if no one else does.
1." The Santa Clause"
Honestly any of the movies in this trilogy could make it onto this list because come on they are just a classic,
Happy Holidays everyone!