Avatar The Last Airbender is one of my all-time favorite shows. I was only nine years old when the show began back it 2005. This is by far the best show Nickelodeon has ever produced, sorry SpongeBob. Avatar has a great blend of action, comedy, and drama. Also some great messages for kids. The main plot revolves around a war that's been going on for 100 years. There are four nations called, The water nation. the fire nation, the earth kingdom, and the air temples. Certain people have the ability to bend an element, such as water, fire, earth, and air. What makes the avatar special is the ability to bend all four elements. The avatar has a presidential/pope role. They maintain balance in the world while making tough decisions. Warning full spoilers ahead this list is for people who have seen the show or people who don't care about spoilers.
1. The Boy in the Iceberg
This was the pilot for the series. Introducing the audience to the main character Aang. He immediately jumps off the screen with his charisma and enthusiasm. He has likability and forms a fast friendship with Katara and Sokka who will be helping him along his journey. We are also introduced to the villain of the first season prince Zuko. He's been banished from the fire nation and his only way back in is capturing the avatar. Zuko raids Katara's small water tribe and Aang ends up leaving with him so her tribe will be spared. Then we get a taste of how powerful Aang is when he escapes Zuko's ship.
2. The Southern Air Temple
In this episode Aang goes back to where he grew up in the southern air temple. Aang was trapped in that iceberg for over one hundred years. So when he goes back home he is devastated at the sight of his people massacred. This episode does a good job of showing how brutal the fire nation is. They are willing to commit genocide to achieve their goals. Aang has a huge mental meltdown after the realization he is the last of his people. Aang and his flying bison Appa are the last of the air nation. Katara ends up calming Aang down to end the episode.
3. The storm
The storm shows the backstories of Aang and Zuko and explains how Aang ended up in the iceberg and how Zuko got banished from the fire nation. Aang was told he was the avatar at age twelve and his normal childhood would be changing for his avatar training. He wanted no part of being the avatar and just wanted to continue his normal lifestyle. Realizing this wasn't possible he ran away. There was an ugly storm the night he left resulting in him crashing into the ocean with Appa. This is where we see him form the iceberg where he will remain for the next century. Zuko's banishment came from speaking out of terms at a war meeting. Zuko did not agree with the fire nations plans because it involved killing innocent people. He spoke out at the meeting, making his father angry. He was then forced to a fire bending duel for his actions. However he had no idea his father would be his opponent. Zuko refused to fight but his dad sure didn't giving him a scar that takes up half his face. After Zuko's refusal to fight he was banished. This episode did a great job of showing similarities of Aang's and Zuko's past.
4. The Siege of the North
This episode concludes the first season. Aang and the crew have traveled to the northern water tribe so he can be trained by a water bending master. They were completely unaware the fire nation have been planning a large attack. Lead by Admiral Zhao. While the invasion was taking place Zuko attempted to capture Aang. Zhao thought Zuko was dead after he had bombs planted on his ship. While Aang is meditating Zuko captures him. But he gets got in a terrible snow storm and does not get far. Katara and Sokka quickly track him down and get Aang back. Meanwhile it's all out war in the northern water tribe. Zhao's goal is to take out the moon spirits they are two fish that gives the water benders strength. Zhao ends up killing the moon spirits blacking out the moon. Princess Yue who formed a relationship with Sokka was given life by the moon spirits as a baby. She ends up sacrificing her life by bringing the spirits back to life. Meanwhile Aang took the form of the moon spirits by using his avatar state powers. Becoming a powerful force of nature. He ends up killing Zhao and taking out the fire nations fleet. The battle ends with a water nation victory. This season finale was the complete package showing off how epic of a scale this show can get too. The battle was pure spectacle with high stakes and by far the best action sequences of the season.
5. The Desert
This episode has the team stranded in the desert. Appa was captured by sand benders leaving them with no form of transportation. Blood pressures really start to boil after several hours pass in devastating heat. I chose this episode mainly for the final two minutes. It's one of the most powerful moments in the show. Aang confronts the sand benders who took his bison. Appa along with him are the last of the air nation making appa virtually his brother. Aang has his biggest mental meltdown of the entire series. He goes into the after state making him very scary while he screams at the sand benders. Katara ends up calming him down as she always does giving the audience a powerful ending to the episode.
6. Zuko Alone
Zuko alone is another episode where we get more backstory and development for Zuko's character. This episode is told mostly through flashback showing Zuko's strange childhood. We get to see how close he was with his mother, while also seeing how much metal damage he took from his father Ozai and sister Azula. Zuko was never really accepted by his father, he preferred Azula over Zuko. Mainly because she was more like him and had the ruthlessness of the fire nation in her. Zuko was much more laid back and was not a war hungry person like the rest of the fire nation. Zuko's cousin dies in battle during the episode. His uncle at the time was next in line to become fire lord. After the death of his son, he decided to quit being a general. This is where Ozai tries to jump in and steal the thrown from his brother. This backfires on Ozai however by making his father furious. The only way for Ozai to take the thrown is by killing his son and he was going to do it until his wife stepped in. The episode never explains what his mom does, it's left for the audience to decide what happened. I always thought his mom helped assassinate the current fire lord which why she ended up being forced to leave the fire nation. I liked how the show never straight up tells the audience what her plan was or how it was executed. This show does a great job with flashback which is why I loved this episode so much.
7. The Puppetmaster
This is a Katara-centric episode while the team is disguised as fire nation citizens they are looking for a place to stay when they run into an old lady named Hama. Katara quickly forms a bond with Hama when she reveals her water nation background. But something feels off about Hama and Sokka was suspicious of her the whole episode. This is where we are introduced to blood bending. Hama teaches Katara water bending techniques throughout the episode. At the end of the episode, she tells Katara about blood bending. It can only be done during a full moon when water benders are most powerful. blood bending is controlling another person's body basically taking someones free will. Katara deemed this unethical as any normal human being would. Hama, however, did not like her response leading to a duel between the two. This was a well-done fight and ended with Katara blood bending Hama which stopped her from hurting anyone. The episode introduced something new and something I was not expecting. The show is never afraid to go in dark directions. Blood bending is a very mature idea, especially for a so-called kid's show. This idea would be expanded on in the first season of the sequel series, The Legend of Korra, which I also recommend.
8. The Avatar & The Fire Lord
This is another excellent flashback episode. We get to see how the war began. This episode is centered around avatar Roku who is Aang's predecessor. We see the rise and fall of his friendship with fire lord Sozin. These two were great friends growing up who ultimately ended up taking different paths. Roku left for several years to master all four elements. While Sozin became fire lord. They reunited at Roku's wedding where their differences starting to arise. Sozin suggested to Roku that the fire nation should start expanding globally. Roku instantly shut that idea down and wanted Sozin to forget about it. That did not stop him however Sozin started taking over areas of the earth kingdom. Which made Roku furious. He ended up having a battle with Sozin warning him to never do this again. One night a volcano erupted next to Roku's home, he tried to fight off the volcano but just couldn't stop the eruption. Sozin came to help rescue him at first but then left him for dead when he realized he could move forward with his plans. Roku spared Sozin earlier in the episode a decision he would always regret. After Roku's death Sozin begins to start expanding the fire nation. He knew the next avatar would be an Airbender, which is why he decided to wipe out the air temples. But by that point, Aang was already in the iceberg and he never found him. We also find out that Roku is Zuko's great grandfather. The reason this episode is so high on my list is the brilliant storytelling that's in this episode. Seeing the origin of how the war began was so satisfying, nothing ever felt forced it was done organically. Also, keep in mind the writers accomplish this in only 25 minutes. To tell the entire backstory of the war with nothing feeling rushed or forced is a huge achievement.
9. The Crossroads of Destiny
The crossroads of destiny concludes season two and is an explosive season finale. Azula has formed a plan to take over the capital of the earth kingdom Ba Sing Se. Her main priority is to get Zuko on her side. During the second season, Zuko has just lived in the earth kingdom with his uncle running a tea shop. Katara and Zuko have a serious conversation about the war, making Katara think Zuko was a changed man. But when Azula offers him the chance to come back to the fire nation he cannot resist and joins Azula. Leading to an epic fight with Aang, Azula, Zuko, and Katara. In the early part of the episode, Aang went to learn how to control the avatar state. Which gives him the power of all his past lives. When he is outnumbered by several of Azula's guards he enters the avatar state. It ends up being short lived because Azula drills him in the back with a lighting bolt. Killing him until Katara heals him with special water she's been carrying. This ended on a somber note. Our heroes were defeated badly and the villains were in the driver seat. The ending to this season was similar to how Star Wars the Empire Strikes ended. The future looked bleak for the characters at the end of this season with the fire nation taking over Ba Sing Se.
10. Sozin's Comet
My favorite episode by far is the series finale. Sometimes shows have underwhelming series finales but not here. Ozai's plan was to use the power of sozin's comet to win the war. The comet gave the fire benders enhanced strength. Three years built up to this point to see Aang finally confront fire lord Ozai. The fight between them is spectacular a beautiful to watch. It was noticeable that this episode had a higher budget just by looking at the animation. Aang was a bit passive when the fight began because of his monk background he did not want to kill the fire lord. But once he gets control of the avatar state he proceeds to kick Ozai's ass. The fight ended with Aang taking the fire lords bending away an ability he learned from a lion turtle earlier in the episode. I also want to talk about the fight between Azula and Zuko. This was my favorite duel of the entire series. Zuko goes to confront Azula. She then challenges him to a duel. Then proceeds an epic fight with a great piece of music played over it. Zuko ends up jumping in front of Azula's lighting bolt that was fired at Katara. Katara then defeats Azula and heals Zuko. The show ends with Zuko becoming fire lord. Zuko and Aang will work together to rebuild the war-torn world. The finale delivered on every level giving the Avatar the Last Airbender the perfect sendoff.