I live three hours away from my dad's house. Having said this, I have developed a guide of don'ts, or things you should avoid when cruising down 94. Life can get a little crazy on the road. You have to be aware of your surroundings. However, that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun too.
1. Avoid the RR's (road ragers).
The last thing you want to do is have an angry 68-year-old motorcyclist come at you with a metal bat. Okay, so that didn't happen to me, but I have had my fair share of middle-fingers.
2. Don't fight it out. Save the arguments with your siblings in a safer, more controlled environment.
I should know. Riding in a car with three other sisters can get a little wild. In a small space with four tired and hungry women. That is a disaster waiting to happen.
3. Don't drink an entire liter of water in less than 30 minutes. Who knows when the next bathroom break is?
This has happened to me way too many times. Trust me. Holding it in for two hours is more torturous than sitting through the movie Rubber. And that is saying something. I have seen it three times.
4. Don't get lost unless you want to. Obviously.
Sometimes it is fun to get lost. That's the best way to stumble upon the things you need. The things that you were not looking for in the first place. However, if you are looking to find your destination, lost isn't exactly an option.
5. Don't text and drive. I can't even eat and drive!
Is it really worth it? I become the RR of 94 when I see people messaging away. Just don't do it.
6. Don't stop at a sketchy gas station. Where there's an outhouse, there's a murderer in there.
Not every countryside gas stop will be a 5-star establishment. No, the paint on the sides will be peeling, the illuminated sign will read "as station", and the clerk will be sweaty, with a tobacco stained tank top.
7. Don't get pulled over. Nuff said.
It is your choice whether you would like to follow my guidelines. Heck, you probably have some awesome ones too! Feel free to comment your don'ts, and stay smart on the roads!