Welcome to post-spring break week on Odyssey! Our creators have a fresh batch of articles to inspire you as you hit the books again. Here are the top three response articles of last week:
A Girl And Her Pen by Sara Ashton
Or keyboard, in the modern society...
This is a response to When You Give A Girl A Paint Brush.
'Tis The Season! How To Thrive on Green Beer Day by Emily Templeton
To drink or not to drink. The history of the holiday and tips on how to celebrate safely.
This is a response to 10 Things You Can Do Instead Of Drinking Or Partying On St. Patrick’s Day.
I Never Had A Prom And I Turned Out Fine by Hunter JohnstoneÂ
Just another thing ruined by the pandemic.
This is a response to From Buying The Dress, To Finding The Perfect Date, Prom Is Worth It.
Congratulations to all the writers! We'll continue to spotlight top response articles every week on our homepage and in our Overheard on Odyssey newsletter. Click here to subscribe!
Want to write for us? Our response writer community is looking for new members! Your work will be shared across Odyssey's website, newsletter, and social media platforms. Plus, you'll be compensated by HQ at $10/response for your first 10 articles.
To join the team, write to glorie@theodysseyonline.com. We're excited to hear from you!
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