The best movies to come out in 2018. | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Movies Of 2018 That You Need To See ASAP

Just over halfway through the year and we've already got several amazing movies.


Ever since I was a kid, I was always intrigued by movies and storylines. I would always get sucked into movies. Growing up I was into everything from original Disney classics like "Cinderella," and "13 going on 30." As I grew up, I began to branch out with my movies, watching the famous horror story "Psycho" and the classic love story "Barefoot in the Park." My love for Disney movies never grew tiresome. Ironically neither did my enjoyment of horror movies.

So far in 2018, these are the 5 movies you've got to see. I must warn, some parts of this article reveal little secrets about these movies since I have watched all of them and am giving a review after watching.

1. "A Quiet Place"

An expecting mother and father in a post-apocalyptic world live in fear of giant aliens that have taken over the plant who kill anything causing noise. After losing their little boy when he turned on the noise to his spaceship and the alien attacked, they prepare for their soon-to-be-born baby by stringing up red outdoor lights to signal when the mom goes into labor. A plan is set out involving fireworks to distract the aliens when the baby screams after being born. This movie is not one to miss out on! But make sure to be quiet as you eat your popcorn, the movie is basically soundless.

2. "Black Panther"

A movie about strength and revenge, Black Panther was everything expected and much more! I have never really been a fan of Marvel movies, but I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I loved the background of the storyline with Wakanda's culture and their beliefs, as it gave the movie a whole-hearted feel like most films nowadays don't do. If you aren't into Marvel movies like me, go to the movie for the beautiful scenery. I was amazed at how pretty it was, and surprisingly it was filmed within the United States in Georgia! You can't miss out on this one! Also, the main actor is pretty cute.

3. "Red Sparrow"

Red Sparrow is one of those on-the-edge-of-your-seat type movies. A much more violent harsh film than I expected it to be, however. Definitely, do not take the kids to this movie! I have always been a fan of Jennifer Lawerence movies ever since "Hunger Games." She was full of spitfire and strength in this movie. She was a beautiful ballerina but injured herself beyond recovery. So she became a fully trained assassin by her uncle who knew she needed money for her mom after being out from her job as a ballerina. She was tortured, but she didn't give up secret information. After watching this movie, I realized how awful it must be for what those trained assassins are put through...but then again, they are killing people for a living.

4. "Ocean's 8"

My family has always been fans of "Ocean's 11," so when we saw that "Ocean's 8" was coming out and that it was about Danny's wife and a heist, we knew we had to watch it. I loved the group of actors who starred in the movie, so off we went to watch it in theaters. It was a great movie, and we loved how it felt like the original "Ocean's 11." I loved the group of actors who starred in the movie, and it did not disappoint. I will definitely be watching this movie again. Plus, who doesn't like Anne Hathaway?

5. "Tag"

What a great feel-good movie. Little did I know that the movie was based on a real group of friends, who are actually from Washington state, and a few of them attended Washington State University. Nowadays movies are either very aggressive, have cruel humor, or are horror movies. It was nice to watch something that was a great, wholehearted movie. The movie definitely had plenty of laughs and a great change of pace for the movie industry. It's one I would definitely watch again!

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