A comprehensive list of the best majors colleges have to offer:
1. There is no best major.
Okay, so I may have mislead you about this list, but if you are currently stressing about what major to pick, please keep reading! I have a point (and great gifs) I promise!
2. Pick something you are passionate about.
3. Pick something you would potentially enjoy doing as a career...otherwise this could be you.
4. Do not pick something *just* because of the potentially salary.
5. Do not be afraid of what people might think. This is your life.
6. You might not make the most money with your degree, but you will survive as long as you are motivated and willing to be flexible.
7. You might not do anything related to your major. That's okay, too.
8. Not everyone is going to like or understand your major.
9. Pick something that interests you and makes you eager to go to class. Everything will work out.
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