Dear World,
I'm just going to talk about something that sort of weighs on me and sort of always has. It is often that I am told how I am reliable, I have zero issue that. But the thing is I am known to be reliable because I am "considered" what is always on.
When I say "always on" I am talking like always prepared, always on top of tasks that people give me, the people who never say no and always get stuff done. Those are the bits of a person that is always on.
But if I am honest. It may seem like I make it look easy but there are things that I sacrifice for to be that person (like sleep). To always be on top of it, this is a great quality I believe but I feel like it is sort of damaging as well. I am always doing something, always working in some way shape and form.
Here is an idea of everything I do.
- I take 18 academic credit hours (this current semester)
- I work a part time job, and in need of getting another
- I partake in 3 different major organization on my campus
- I write up too 5-6 different articles a week for my homework that consist of a lot of analysis and annotation
- I also do this, the Odyssey Online
- And manage to workout 3 times a week
My days at 5:30 am on the days I work out and about 6:30 am on days I don't and sometimes I sleep in until 7:00 am. Once I do my average morning routine it is about 9:00 am and I am off to school to (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) get to class by 9:30. and try to get there early on the other days to get whatever homework I need done, done.
After class I typically go to work before I go back to class, some days I don't work so I do homework. Mondays I am not done until 5:30 pm, Tuesdays I am not done until 4:00 pm, Wednesdays I am not done until 5:30 pm, Thursdays are great days where I have one class (my other is a hybrid and we don't meet on Thursdays) so I am done by noon, and on Fridays I work from 11:00 am - 3:30 pm, every other week I have a club meeting at 10:00 am.
It sounds like I have plenty of time to do everything. But I don't. I often won't get to sleep until very late at night sometime going as far as only getting an hour of sleep so I can be prepared for the day.
Don't forget that I do need to eat cause people often forget I am human. I also have a family I live with, and a dog I love more than anything. I also have friends who believe it or not like to hang out with me. And although I do homework during the day it does not mean I get it all done. I come home and do homework.
But what about my clubs?
For the Odyssey I am the Editor-and -Chief which means I make sure communication runs well with my team, I a make sure articles (including mine) get in on time so I can edit them. No biggie but it take about a good 2-3 hours from my weekend to get all this done, not to bad.
My other clubs though... I am the Vice President of Public Relations and Recruitment and the Public Relations Chairman, which believe it or not takes up a good 3 hours a week to make sure "I am on top" of everything. I am the Vice President in an advertisement club I help found on campus, not to much work there, yet. Then my office (my work) where I am a Social Media Specialist. It sounds easy, my job, but in order to do it correctly it involves a lot of planning and developing and working with many people. I attend all events to maintain those our media.
But I love everything I do.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining I just want to point out that I do a lot of things in my day, my week, semester, basically my life to make sure I have a resume worth looking at.
So forgive me when I forget one thing, forgive me if I don't have a smile on my face because I am human, I get run down, I get tired, I get sick and I won't always be "always on".
If you are an always on person, don't worry, there is a lot of us. You aren't alone.
The Girl Who Doesn't Want To Get Out Of Bed