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The Top 3 “Kingdom Hearts” Quotes To Bring Throughout Life

One way of "Kingdom Hearts" bringing "light" to our lives is through their impactful quotes that are said, especially those by our beloved Disney characters.

The games of "Kingdom Hearts" certainly brings "light" to our lives, especially in our "darkest" times. One way of "Kingdom Hearts" bringing "light" to our lives is through their impactful quotes that are said, especially those by our beloved Disney characters. After learning and going through "Kingdom Hearts," their quotes have definitely brightened up my life and make me become more courageous of the things I do throughout my life. They also give me an optimistic view on life. Here are some quotes from "Kingdom Hearts" that one should bring and remember throughout life.
1. "This boat runs on happy faces."

This quote is said by Donald Duck to Sora in the first game of "Kingdom Hearts." This is one of the most memorable quotes from the game for the reason of not just being the first encounter with Donald Duck, Goofy, and Sora but also that this quote reflects a little truth about life. In life, we are taught to smile no matter what, especially through tough and bad times. In life, one must be strong and not cry. Also, having "happy faces" brings lots of strength to others and one's self.

2. "There's always be a door to the light."

This is also a quote from the first game of "Kingdom Hearts." This time, this quote is said by Mickey Mouse, who is known as the king in the game. He tells this to Sora, Donald and Goofy. This quote also demonstrates that in life, there may be no way out of the bad times or any tough situation but there is always a solution. The solution is represented by the "light" in which Mickey Mouse is talking about. In other words, I think Mickey Mouse is also trying to tell us to not give up. Also, I think hope is also represented by "the light" when one thinks about the situation that this quote is said from the game, which is the time that the first game is reaching its conclusion.

3. "May your heart be your guiding key."

This quote is my most memorable and favorite quote from the "Kingdom Hearts" games. This quote has been said by other characters but I mostly remember the character, Mickey Mouse saying this quote in the "Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep-A Fragmentary Passage" game. This is a very extraordinary quote and the most important quote to carry on throughout life to me. At first, I get scared of what decisions to make throughout my life but with this quote, I become quite encouraged and more confident on my decisions throughout life. It's like another way of saying, follow your heart but it is more beautifully constructed of having "heart" as the "guiding key" and fits well to the "Kingdom Hearts" games. I think this quote is what really describes "Kingdom Hearts."

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