Whether you live in a terrace mansion somewhere in Great Island or you are cooked up in a simple apartment anywhere in the world, securing your home to protect yourself, your family and your property are of paramount importance.
Chances are, the culprits care less if you are dead rich or you are struggling to meet ends need; as long as they gain entrance, they would take as much as they can.
Sure everyone hates break-in because of the loss of properties that would probably cost a fortune, nonetheless, break-ins are a terrible experience for victims of it, present or not.
Even the fear of a possible home invasion is enough to
Here are some tips to help you fortify your home security to safeguard your properties:
1. Install a home surveillance system.
One of the most 21st-century things to do around your home or anywhere else for that matter when it comes to security is to install CCTV cameras in strategic places.
Experts usually advise homeowners to position some these cameras at obvious places and the others at more concealed locations.
This is good practice because possible intruders see the visible cameras as a warning sign that they are being watched and this could deter them from going through with their plan. Some homes owners might even go further to hang signs in areas where the visible cameras are placed but this is mostly found in public places than homes.
The hidden cameras are for the more determined burglars who might go as far as to destroy the obvious cameras.
2. Beef up entry points.
Burglars can only gain entrance into your home through entrance points like through the windows, doors, and garage (unless they possess superpowers).
Windows are the most susceptible entry points for burglars to explore for a lot of reasons, but mostly because a lot of these windows are left unlatched and have weak locks.
One common mistake that homeowners make is that they fail to do regular routine check on their windows to check its strength. A lot of them think that the only way burglars can get in through the window is to shatter the glass, and burglars would want to avoid the attention that would come with the noise.
They couldn’t be more wrong.
Because a lot of these windows have weakened over the years, burglars do not often need to shatter the glass, and when they do, the neighbors just ignore the sound anyways.
The best thing to do is to regularly check for weak spots and components in the window and rectify.
It’s the same with doors.
Contrary to what you might think, burglars might test the strength of other doors before they opt for the front door.
The garage door is one that homeowners must give great attention to not just because they are secondary doors to gain entrance into the main house, but also because they house cars and other valuables that could be worth as much as items inside the main house. are great features to add to your building to fortify your security system.
3. Consider installing an alarm system.
An alarm system might not secure your home in the same manner as other physical measures but it does as much work, if not more.
For starters, burglars would likely avoid your home if you have such security systems in place. A North Carolina report showed that 60% of convicted burglars opted for homes without security systems.
An alarm sound is way more difficult to ignore; unlike the sound of shattering glass, it alerts your neighbors and security personnel of potential danger.
Security concerns should be treated with high priority. If you want to feel safe in your home, sleep better at night, and still be at peace even when you are away from home, apply these tips.