5 Health Articles You Missed From The Week Of March 29 | The Odyssey Online
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5 Health And Wellness Articles You Missed From The Week Of March 29

A weekly roundup of Odyssey's Health & Wellness section.

5 Health And Wellness Articles You Missed From The Week Of March 29

Every week, Odyssey creators take a deep dive and write articles that reflect relevant topics, emotions, and stages of life. Within the Health & Wellness vertical, creators share stories ranging from mental health struggles to advice from their fitness journey.

Here are the top five articles from this last week on Odyssey Health & Wellness.

1. As An Introvert, I Thought Social Distancing Would Be Easy — Come To Find Out, It's The Exact Opposite

We're all dealing with social distancing differently, and this creator shares how much harder it is than she assumed. No matter what your personality is, this "new normal" is making life a little harder for all of us.

Read more from this creator here.

2. To The Mom Who Learned Everything She Needed To Raise, And Love, A Type 1 Diabetic

This creator shares how her mom's sacrifices have saved her life.

Read more from this creator here.

3. If You Don't Take The COVID-19 Outbreak Seriously, You're Risking Your Loved Ones' Lives

We've seen a wide variety of responses (and social responsibility) regarding coronavirus. At this point, it's clear that we're all impacting the climate we're living in — this creator wants to remind you how much your actions can affect others.

Read more from this creator here.

4. I'm Just A Girl, Standing In Front Of A Fibromyalgia Diagnosis, Asking For It To Get Better

This creator shares her journey with fibromyalgia, the obstacles she's faced, and her hope for the future.

Read more from this creator here.

5. To The Nursing Students Who Wish They Were Out There Fighting Coronavirus

It's no secret that our healthcare workers — nurses, doctors, hospital staff — are putting their own lives at risk while fighting coronavirus. Then there are the individuals studying to be a part of this group one day, who have to watch their fellow coworkers battling this pandemic.

Read more from this creator here.

If you are interested in writing for Odyssey's Health & Wellness vertical, please email lily.moe@theodysseyonline.com.

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