Every week, Odyssey creators take a deep dive and write articles that reflect relevant topics, emotions, and stages of life. Within the Health & Wellness vertical, creators share stories ranging from mental health struggles to advice from their fitness journey.
Here are the top five articles from this last week on Odyssey Health & Wellness.
1. Just Because I'm Skinny Doesn't Mean I'm Super Confident In My Body
This creator opens up about her struggles with body image, assuring us that it doesn't matter what size you are — everyone can face insecurities.
Read more from this creator here.
2. 3 Steps To Take After Someone You Know Has Been Sexually Assaulted
Sexual assault, unfortunately, happens every day. While you hope it never happens, it's important to know what to do when a friend, classmate, or stranger comes to you with their story.
Read more from this creator here.
3. 8 Ways To Deal With Cramps That Show Aunt Flo What A Bad B*tch You Are
No matter what is going on in the world, women have one certainty — a monthly visit from Aunt Flo. While it's never a party, this creator shares her tips and tricks for dealing with your period.
Read more from this creator here.
4. There Is No Expiration Date For Grief, But That's OK
This creator shares her story of losing her uncle to cancer and the grief that followed. She encourages others who may be in a season of grief to take it one day at a time.
Read more from this creator here.
5. 5 High-Risk Women Explain How Their Lives Could Drastically Change If They Caught COVID-19
Five women, all with different circumstances, share how catching COVID-19 would impact their health.
Read more from this creator here.
If you are interested in writing for Odyssey's Health & Wellness vertical, please email lily.moe@theodysseyonline.com.