Top 5 Underrated Disney Movies | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Underrated Disney Movies

Because "Frozen" isn't really all that great

Top 5 Underrated Disney Movies

It's no secret that some Disney movies get more praise than others. I'm sure even the biggest Disney hater, or someone who seems to be totally out of the loop of pop culture knows about "Frozen" and "The Lion King," but how about the Disney movies that aren't as well known? There are plenty of wonderful Disney movies that don't receive the adoration they deserve, so here is a list of Disney movies you need to go watch immediately. Take a day off and have a Disney binge-watching party because these movies are worthy of your attention.

1. "The Princess and the Frog."

This is my favorite movie of all time and it definitely doesn't get enough love. "The Princess and the Frog" is about a hardworking girl with a dream, who becomes a frog after kissing a prince. The two of them go on a quest to become human again and end up falling in love. Along the way they even encounter creatures including an adorable alligator named Louis and a cajun firefly named Ray. The music is, in my opinion, one of the best soundtracks Disney has ever made.

Main reason to watch this movie: Tiana is not your typical princess. She is a motivated dreamer who doesn't need a man and isn't looking for one. She and Prince Naveen do not experience love at first sight, but they realistically fall in love after spending time together and learning about each other's quirks.

2. "The Emperor's New Groove."

"The Emperor's New Groove" is one of the funniest movies Disney has ever made. David Spade does the voice of self-absorbed Emperor Kuzco, a teenage king who is turned into a llama after a jealous acquaintance seeks revenge. The movie is full of laughs throughout and one of the more lighthearted films Disney has made. Main reason to watch this movie: it's funny and will keep you laughing.

3. "Brother Bear."

In "Brother Bear," Kenai is turned into a bear after his brother is killed by one. Kenai learns valuable life lessons as his embarks on a journey. This is a visually beautiful movie with an equally beautiful message. It teaches and reminds us to respect all life forms and throws in some comedy along the way. Main reason to watch this movie: the animation is wonderful, which makes it visually appealing to watch and the life lessons and spirit throughout the movie will leave you feeling uplifted.

4. "The Aristocats."

In "The Aristocats," Dutchess and her three kittens are catnapped by a greedy butler named Edgar. They find themselves far away from home and meet Thomas O'Malley along the way. The cats have an adventure and run into lots of fun while trying to find their way home. This movie is cute and easy to watch. It's set in Paris in 1910 and gives an insight to the culture of the time. Main reason to watch this movie: there are cats that play jazz. What could be better?

5. "Atlantis: The Lost Empire."

If you're intrigued by the idea of Atlantis, then you will enjoy this movie. "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" is about a group of eccentric characters who discover the lost land. The movie creates an interesting concept and visual of the mythological culture of Atlantis. Main reason to watch this movie: it will get you thinking about Atlantis and brings up an interesting concept of what could have potentially happened to the ancient civilization.

There you have it -- the top five underrated Disney movies. If you haven't seen them, they are definitely worth your time. Most of them can be found on Netflix, so the next time you plan to Netflix and chill, give these movies a chance.

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