Senior year is supposed to be the best year in high school but as most seniors can probably attest, the first semester of senior year is extremely successful. Between taking your final SAT/ACT, asking for recommendations and writing thousands of words about yourself, when you submit your last college application there is a certain level of pressure that is finally lifted.
1. No more essays
As much as you may love to talk about the organizations you were in during high school or a program you attended over the summer, it is tiring writing pages about the same thing over and over again. Writing about your strengths and weakness makes you do a lot of self-reflecting about who you are but after a while, you just don’t want to talk about yourself. When you are on your sixth college application it becomes hard to be genuine and not sound like every other applicant.
2. You are going to college (hopefully)
When you finally turn in your last application you suddenly realize that you probably are going to college unless maybe you only applied to reach schools. The entire time you are in high school, college seems so distant and you feel like you are just on a rat race of tests, AP exams, clubs and SAT/ACT test. When you are finally done, you realize that in a few short months you will know where you will be spending the next four years of your life. When you get your first acceptance letter you realize how fast the last four years have gone and it is one of the most relieving feelings of high school.
3. No more asking for recommendations
One of the worst parts of the college application process is asking for recommendations. The entire experience of asking for recommendations is awkward because you are assuming the person you ask likes you as much as you like them. Teachers often have so many recommendations to write it is nerve racking to think yours may be generic.
4. Last year
When you are done with your last college application, you finally can start enjoying the good parts of senior year. Your senior year brings the end to many parts of your life but opens the door for new experiences. You will get to spend more time with the people you played sports with for four years, you get to spend more time with your high school friends and you make more memories with your parents. Your last year living at home will be at times very emotional and sentimental. After college applications, you will finally begin to enjoy all the graduation parties, ceremonies and senior nights you have.
5. Free time
At the beginning of senior year, everyone including your friends and parents are stressed out. Between all the essays and freaking out about deadlines, you may often question if you will survive. When you finally do it’s the best feeling and you suddenly have so much free time. You have time to relax, plan your dorm room, hang out with your friends and take many naps.
Senior year is extremely stressful at times but don’t forget to enjoy the memories because for most it will be your last year at home.