I want to start off by saying this is my own opinion, and I do not want to offend anyone. I know the choice must be hard, maybe you were raped, maybe you are very young. But there is always adoption, someone out there is not able to have a baby. Adoptions is a great thing! And so is keeping the baby. If you are thinking about abortion please watch the movie "Unplanned". Even if you don't believe in God, you can still pray, that's always an option too.
1. It won't hurt either the mom and baby.
They will tell you that the baby can not feel anything and that it won't hurt. BUT it does hurt the baby. The baby can feel pain at 20 weeks or even sooner. And on top of that it hurts the mom too, 22,800 moms per year die from complications from the abortion.
2. There is no heart beat
A baby gets a heart beat at 8 weeks old. Which is around the time most girls find out there pregnant. For a person to die, you have to stop their heart beat, which means no matter at the end of the day what you believe you did kill someone. A baby didn't even have a chance. There is always adoption.
3. You will be able to see your ultrasound, before you make a choice
it is a proven fact that they just say it to make the mom feel better. You will not see the baby before you make a choice, because they are afraid if you do that you will choose to keep the baby.
4. The people who performs the abortion are trained perfessional doctors
NOOO, the people who perform the abortion aren't necessarily Doctors or OB/GYNS. They could be people off the street just looking for a job. But some of them could be.
5. Your not killing the "Thing" because its just a "clump of cells"
First off, from the point of conception it is a baby. not. a. thing. at least give the baby dignity of more than being called a thing.
There are many more told lies about abortions(In my opinion). I am not trying to offend or hurt anyones choice, this is just my soul opinion on the topic. Just remember there are couples out there that cant have kids, and would love to adopt. What ever you choose, everyone should support.