Top Five Legend Of Korra Episodes
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Top Five Legend Of Korra Episodes

A Worthy Sequel

Top Five Legend Of Korra Episodes
Devian Art

I made a top ten avatar the Last Airbender episode list several months ago. I think it's now time to discuss the sequel series the Legend of Korra. While I don't think it maintained the consistent level of excellence its predecessor did. I really enjoyed the series overall. The series begins 70 years after the events of "Airbender." So much has changed over that time, Aang created a capital called Republic City where people of multiple backgrounds live. The United Republic of nations was created after the 100 year war, Republic City was made for people of all four nations to come live.

1. Welcome to Republic City

The very first episode of the series kicks off my list. I was late to the Legend of Korra there was little marketing for it, I started the first season several months after the season concluded. I ended up being happy about that so I could just binge it all. What I remember the most about watching the first episode, was how excited I was to be watching this world again. The writers of the show did an excellent job creating such a rich world with great mythology. We get introduced to the protagonist of the show Korra, who follows Aang as the next avatar. Her personality extremely differs from Aang's. He came from a monk background who would only fight when necessary, Aang excelled in the spiritual side of being the avatar more so than the physical side. Korra is pretty much the exact opposite. She loves the physical gifts the avatar has and will gladly punch somebody before talking to them, which we see a lot of in the first episode. Also she already mastered three elements the only one she can't do is air-bending. This will be a theme throughout the first season she gets frustrated quite a bit when trying to learn air-bending. We get introduced to Aang's son Tenzin who will be Korra's mentor throughout the series. This episode did a great job of setting up the characters, and showing how much the world has changed since the 100 year war. The villain of the season Amon, shows up in the last few seconds of the episode as well.

2. Skeletons in the Closet

What the previous series did so well was storytelling via flashback, this continues in the Legend of Korra, with one of the best episodes of season one. Amon's backstory is shown in this episode. We see why he hates bending and why he wants to take away everyones bending away. Growing up his father made him use blood bending which damaged him mentally as a young child. Amon is my favorite villain the in the avatar universe. Every time he's in a scene he steals it. Amon also has communist views his goal was to eliminate social classes by force. He learned how to take peoples bending aways something only avatar Aang could do, until Amon was introduced. Amon to me is a perfect villain he's not just some mustache twirling bad guy. He firmly believes what his anti-bending movement is doing. He also strikes fear into all the main characters, in the beginning of the season Korra is terrified by Amon and what he's capable of. Also throughout the entire season he felt nearly unbeatable. Amon never became some push over that we knew the main characters would defeat. The writers really hit a home run with this character and he's one of my favorite villains of all time.

3. Endgame

Endgame concludes the first season of the Legend of Korra. This was my favorite episode of season one even with the rushed ending. Korra has her final confrontation with Amon and defeats him by using air-bending. It was a great moment when she used air-bending to knock Amon out a window. Amon took away her bending in this episode but when he did this it unlocked her ability to air-bend. The controversy around this episode came with how it ended. Korra connects with Aang and he gives her the ability to bend all the elements again. Why I give the ending a pass comes from the fact the show was originally a 12 episode mini series. That's why the ending came across as rushed because the writers couldn't end on such a somber note. Nickelodeon mishandled the series throughout the run and this was the first mistake of many. They should have just asked for multiple seasons instead of initially requesting a min series. I still enjoyed seeing Korra and Aang share the screen even if it felt a little too convenient. Amon's journey also came to an end with his brother blowing up a boat they were riding.

4. Venom of the Red Lotus

Season three's final episode had some of the best action in the series. Korra finds herself captured by the red lotus and gets chained up. The red lotus poisoned her with the goal of killing her while in the avatar state. If that happens that means there will never be another avatar. Korra ends up having an epic fight with Zaheer who's the main villain of season three. This was probably the best fight of the series with some great aerial shots and excellent score played over the fight. What made the fight so great was Korra had to fight the poison injected in her while fighting Zaheer. The ending of the episode makes up for the rushed ending of season one. After the fight, Korra can't walk and the season ends with her in a wheel chair. Korra's confidence was completely shattered after this episode which she struggles to get back throughout the fourth season.

5. Beginnings

Season two was by far my least favorite season. Ironically it holds my favorite episode of the entire series. We get to see the origin of how the avatar was created. Avatar Wan was the original avatar this episode tells his story. The episode had great animation and made me want a series in this time period. This is something I never thought they would do. The possibilities of this world are endless. We also see the very first avatar state fight which was some of the best animated action i've ever seen, This episode made me want another series so badly even though I doubt it will ever happen. Avatar Wan's journey takes him from rebellious young kid to becoming a man and the first avatar. Korra watched his story unfold as well. Seeing this helped her figure out why the spirit world was crossing over with the real world. Even though this season took so long to get going, this episode made the wait worth it.

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