High school is honestly so much fun, some people say it's the best four years of your life. I don't know how true that is just yet, but it really is a good time. However, as fun as it can be, there are some bad times, and some sad times, and some humiliating times. I wanted to talk a little bit today about some of the most embarrassing things that can happen in high school, and share some of my most embarrassing stories with you.
Getting Called Out By A Teacher
All of my teachers in school were pretty great, but the really good ones always gave me a hard time. One of my favorite teachers would, almost every day, call me out in front of the entire class for "being sick" all the time, or for always being late because I had to use the restroom. I did also get into trouble once for working on another teacher's assignment while my math teacher was lecturing (whoops, do your homework on time, kids.)
I guess if you like being the center of attention, your teacher calling you out in front of God and everyone isn't the worst thing in the world, but I absolutely hated it.
That One Time You Forget A Pad or Tampon
This is only a girl issue, and I'd say all of us have had to or will have to do it at least once in school. You start your period in the middle of the day and you forgot to restock your feminine supplies from last month. Rookie mistake really, except I've been guilty of it more than once. The only solution is to walk down to the nurse's office and ask for a pad or a tampon, which is already awkward, but it's so much worse when there are other kids in there.
Eating Alone
This might not happen to everyone, but it definitely did to me. I went through a breakup the summer before my junior year, and I pretty much had no friends. I was also really shy, and there were a lot of rumors going around about the break up, so I had no interest in making any friends. I ate my lunch alone in the library every day for the whole first semester. This actually turned out okay though, because I ended up making a couple really good friends, and we all ended up eating in our favorite teacher's room instead.
Again, usually a girl thing, but it can be pretty rough. You're probably gonna cry in class, or in the hallway, or in the bathroom, and people are probably gonna notice. It stinks, it's never fun, but it happens sometimes (or a lot if you're me.)
Once, I was curled up under my favorite teacher's desk crying over my ex, and this new guy I'd gone on a couple dates with saw me and asked me what was wrong. Humiliating, especially because I'm an ugly crier.
Don't get me wrong, dating is so much fun. I've had a lot of really good times while I was out on dates, but they can be super awkward at the same time, especially some of the first few dates. I mean, you're excited, but you're also nervous, and dating overall is just an interesting experience. My favorite story, not just from me dating, but from high school in general is this (and this is my best, most embarrassing story, so you better enjoy it):
I had dated this kid for a few weeks, MAYBE a month, and I had also just got my nose pierced a couple weeks before. (If you don't have your nose pierced, you need to understand that they're super sensitive for quite a while.) Anyway, me and this kid were about to go on a date and I had picked him up from practice and he was kissing me. I thought my nose was running, so I went to wipe it and when I pulled my hand back their was blood on it. I looked at him and he had my blood all over his face. Thank God he was a good sport about it, because my nose bled for another fifteen minutes and he helped me clean it all up, and he was super nice about it.
Like.. I don't think you understand how much blood I'm talking about here. I was cleaning dry blood out of my car for DAYS! I ended up throwing the jeans I was wearing that night away because there was blood on them. It was probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. I'm just grateful he was a good sport. We're still really good friends, it's pretty hard not to be after something like that. I feel like if you bleed on someone, you immediately have a very deep emotional bond.
Honestly, having horrifying moments is what makes high school fun. You way be dead embarrassed when they happen, but eventually you'll look back on them and have an amazing laugh. Enjoy high school, and don't worry about it too much when you make an incredible fool out of yourself, because you probably will. When you do, just remember that it can't be any worse than the girl who bled on her boyfriend's face.