Since everything that is on the internet right now is somehow related to the results of the election, here's something that's definitely not. No one asked for this. No one really wanted this. But this article does not talk about politics, so everyone needs and should enjoy this. Without further ado, here are my top eight favorite dog breeds and why.
8. Chihuahua
Chihuahuas are pretty hit and miss when it comes to cuteness. No matter what they look like, they all have a very piercing, yippy bark that is pretty annoying, but sometimes their faces can make up for it. Honestly, the main reason chihuahuas are consistently on my list of favorite dogs is because of the famous YouTuber Jenna Marbles's first dog, Mr. Marbles.
7. Japanese Chin
I was not introduced to the charm of Japanese Chins until this past summer when I visited my sister. The Chin in the picture belongs to my sister's friend, and she is utterly ridiculous in an adorable way. A common and hilarious trait Chins have is they will use their front paws to wash and wipe their face, very much like a cat. I'm also a huge fan of how their eyes look in completely different directions.
6. Dachshund
I'll be honest, the main source of my love for dachshunds is from a Nintendo DS Nintendogs game I used to play. My very first dog in that game was a dachshund named Lucky, and she was amazing at catching a frisbee. Together, Lucky and I held the champion spot in the world frisbee competition for months. Also, their short legs are funny.
5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
In my opinion, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are one of the most beautiful dogs out there. They really nail the puppy-dog eyes, even after growing up. There are a few variations of fur colors, but the brown and white ones are my favorite, probably because I had one in a different Nintendogs game.
4. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a bit confusing. They start out as these adorable little white puppies that look like teddy bears, then they grow up and suddenly have massive halos of white fluff around their faces. You can choose to trim it, but I think it's funnier to leave them as cotton balls with noses.
3. Pomeranian
My grandma used to have a pomeranian mix, and it was the first dog I ever truly loved. I used to wake up before everyone else in the house, go find her dog, and sit and pet it for hours until the rest of my family woke up. Downsides: hair maintenance. Upsides: they are balls of fluff that will love you.
2. Pug
Pugs are one of those breeds that most people think are ugly and thus completely ignore them whatsoever. However, I think that they are adorable because they are ugly. Just imagine; you've had a "ruff" day (sorry, couldn't help it) and you come home to see this face. You hear it snuffling at an unimaginable decibel and you see its eyes looking in different directions, and you can't help but think to yourself, "If this pathetic creature is happy, why shouldn't I be happy?" Day instantly better.
1. Corgi
Where to begin? Corgis are a blessing to this earth. They have super short legs that make them waddle, which is hilarious, plus their butts float! Like the pug, the corgi is absolutely ridiculous. They are easily the most adorable and I want one.
This is in actuality a master list of the best dogs. It's not opinion, it is one hundred percent cold, hard, fact and everyone needs to modify their own opinions accordingly. I propose that in light of the political frenzy, we should redo the election and have everyone write in one of Queen Elizabeth's corgis for our president. In case that's not entirely realistic, I suggest everyone go out and adopt a dog (any dog, it doesn't have to be from this highly sophisticated list of facts and evidence) from a shelter and be their forever friend.