For those of you who know me, you know that I greatly enjoy apologetics. Over time, I’ve come across some great, some good, and some not so good. Here are a few contemporary resources I think are great.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
I’ll start with my personal favorite. Alpha and Omega Ministries is headed by James White, who also has his own personal YouTube channel here. His web show, the Dividing Line, is quite thorough as far as apologetics go.
Dr. Brown and Dr. White in the same list? Seeing as how the two are personal friends in real life and the fact that both of them have been extremely useful and encouraging to me, then yes, they can share a list. Dr. Brown is particularly helpful when thinking about Judaism.
Inspiring Philosophy
These videos tend to be shorter, but they're no less useful. This channel covers a wide range of topics and still manages to stay concise.
Christian Answers
Also covers a wide range of topics, but the videos are much longer. If you have a lot of time on your hands, this is a good place. These also tend to be slower-paced and are structured like a talkshow.
I wish he would produce more videos, but although they are few, they have helped me a lot. This is a great resource for young earth creationism.
There are other resources that do apologetics work, like Wretched Radio, but Wretched also produces Christian lifestyle books and exclusively ministry resources, so not all of their videos, books, or articles will be about defending the faith. Maybe you want that, in which case, enjoy.
If you're curious about what I think of Answers in Genesis, I think they rate immensely useful, but in my experience, citing an AIG article will get you dismissed outright as a religious nut, so I’ve just utilized the sources they cite and make the same argument. Yes, it’s a little more legwork, but you understand what you're working with more so than the person you're conversing with.
Ideally, the last part is true all the time. Knowledge is power.