Medical emergencies can occur at any time and without any warning. If you have zero first aid skills, you may not know what to do in this situation and it can become extremely stressful fast. At Paradise First Aid, we believe that everyone can benefit from learning first aid – there really aren't any downfalls to becoming qualified. While all first aid skills are favourable, here are our top basic first aid skills that everyone should know.
Treating burns
Being able to determine whether the burn is of the first, second, or third degree can enable you to take the best course of action quickly and with confidence. Run cool water over the burn continuously for approximately 20 minutes if it is a first or second-degree burn. You can then apply an appropriate antiseptic cream and wrap loosely using a non-stick dressing. Cling wrap, while unconventional, works well.
Seek immediate medical attention if:
- The burn is deep
- If the burn is larger than a 20c piece
- It is in the groin area, on the face or hands or feet
- The burn was caused by electricity or chemicals
If the burn is third-degree, call an ambulance immediately.
The major goals of first-aid burn treatment are to manage pain, avoid infection, and lessen scarring. When proper first aid is followed, you can help the patient attain these outcomes as well as keep them calm and reassured during the treatment process.
Control bleeds
If someone is bleeding excessively and correct first aid practices are not administered, it can become a life-threatening situation fast. If the bleeding is not contained, a person can die within a matter of a few minutes, this is why acting quickly is so integral. For minor bleeds, you can typically stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area using gauze or a sterile pad. After several minutes of doing this, the bleeding should lessen or cease altogether.
If severe bleeding occurs, immediately put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Maintain consistent pressure until emergency assistance is on-site and able to take over. If it is on a limb, you may need to use a tourniquet to stop the person from bleeding out.
Stop choking
Our airways enable us to breathe, and if they become blocked for any reason, it can be fatal if urgent action isn't taken. Without sufficient oxygen, brain damage can start in less than 10 minutes. First off, direct the person to cough, this may be enough to dislodge the item from the throat. If this doesn't work, Call 000. Tell the casualty to bend forward and you'll need to administer 5 back blows. If this doesn't work, you can then administer 5 abdominal thrusts.
Chocking can be an extremely frightening situation for all involved and knowing what to do can be the difference between life and death. If you know first aid, you have the opportunity to dislodge the obstruction quickly enabling the person the breathe normally once more and pump oxygen throughout the body.
Manage shock
In most instances, those who have a severe bleed will go into shock. So knowing how to manage this is highly beneficial. A reduction in the amount of blood pumping throughout the body as a result of severe bleeding lowers blood pressure.
In order to save the person's life, managing the patient's shock is vital.
Direct the patient to lie on their back with their feet raised above the heart. If they have tight or restrictive clothing on, remove these. Ensure their airways are clear and wrap them in a blanket to keep them warm while waiting for emergency personnel.
Administer Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
CPR is an emergency procedure that involves chest compressions and rescue breaths. The purpose of administering CPR is to circulate oxygen around the body when somebody has stopped breathing. This can prevent tissue damage which starts in a matter of minutes once the person stops breathing for themselves. This damage is often irreversible and can affect all the vital organs of the body. It is imperative that CPR is started immediately to preserve intact brain function. The chances of survival are small when someone experiences an event like a cardiac arrest so there is no time for hesitation. You can potentially save someone's life by knowing how to administer CPR and acting swiftly.
While it is a skill you hope you never have to use, you never know who may go into cardiac arrest and when and by completing a CPR course you can have peace of mind that you know how to act if you ever need to.
Learn how to use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
During a CPR course, you will be trained on how to use an AED. When CPR intervention along AED is actioned, the chances of survival for the patient increase greatly. More and more locations now have AEDs on hand. These are simple to use and most often they have voice prompts instructing you the entire time however, having proper training can give you the ability to use the device properly and remain calm while doing so.
AED delivers electric shocks to the patient to restabilise a regular heartbeat all whilst analysing the heartbeat. If a regular heartbeat is restored, the device will not deliver any more shocks.
Enrol in a first aid and CPR course
There is no better time than now to learn a first aid course gold coast and CPR if you haven't already. Even if you have learnt them in the past but your skills are rusty, updating them can give you the confidence to help assist people in their time of need. The more people that know how to do first aid and CPR, the better it is for the wider community. In serious situations, people can die when no one intervenes while waiting for paramedics to arrive. You may just save the life of a workmate, stranger or family member. For nationally accredited first aid and CPR training here on the Gold Coast, contact the team at Paradise First Aid. We offer multiple courses a week in various locations.
PLEASE NOTE: This is general information only and should not be used in place of proper training or professional medical advice.