Life can be rather awkward, especially if you are an awkward person like me. Yet, our social world calls for us to make many daily encounters with people, whether we want them to happen or not. These are the 11 top awkward encounters I have had with others.
1. Do I say hi?
When I see someone I know but am not close to in a public place. Should I go up and say hello or are they trying to ignore me?
2. Nature's call
When I'm on the phone and I have to use the restroom. Do I lie and tell them I'm getting another call or should I just tell them the natural truth?
3. Do I know you?
When I see someone I haven't seen in a long time and I don't know if they remember me. Do I go and ask or will they think I'm a weirdo?
4. The wave
When I think someone is waving at me, so I wave back. But then I realize it wasn't at me. Should I act like it didn't happen or laugh at myself?
5. What are we?
When I ask someone to hang out and they think it's a date. Do I break the news to them or play it cool?
6. Hugs
When I have to hug someone who is taller than me. Do I tiptoe? Do they lean? Where do my arms go???
7. Daydreaming
When I stare into space and then realize I have been staring at someone the entire time. Do I smile and look away or act like it never happened?
8. Elevators
When there are is only me and one other stranger on the elevator. Do I say hello or do we come to a mutual agreement that we are not speaking?
9. Grocery stores
When I'm at the grocery store and someone is standing where I need to look for something. Do I say excuse me and make them move or do I scan the aisle and wait?
10. Where should I sit?
When all the tables are taken and then there is that table with just one person and a bunch of empty seats. Do I sit next to them or just give up on finding a seat?
11. Breaking the ice
When I talk to someone via technology all the time but then I see them in person. Are we actually friends or does that relationship exist in another universe? How do I break the ice???
I am sure others have had these kinds of experiences. Please feel free to share them. It's always nice to know that there are lots of awkward people in the world. We're all in this together.