After being a musical theater lover for a few years now, it took me a while to realize that Broadway has given me so much more than just good music. The inspirational lyrics and the emotion within Broadway music has managed to pick me up when I was feeling at my lowest. Here are some of the most powerful and uplifting Broadway lyrics that I've come to adore, especially when I'm feeling stressed, anxious or down. So enjoy some chicken soup for the Broadway soul!
1. “No one deserves to be forgotten. No one deserves to fade away." - "Dear Evan Hansen"
This lyric is important to me because it reminds me that everyone's story and voice is worth listening to. No matter how tall, short, loud, quiet, introverted or extroverted, you matter just as much as anyone else.
2. "And you know life can be beautiful." - "Heathers"
The main motif of "Heathers" is that no matter how damaged and broken things may seem, this life is worth living no matter what. This lyric is particularly helpful on some darker days to give you the encouragement to find the beauty/good in every situation.
P.S. I know "Heathers" is off-Broadway; bear with me please.
3. "I am not throwing away my shot.” - "Hamilton"
Honestly, "Hamilton" is just packed full of so many amazing, inspirational quotes that it was difficult to pick just one. However, this lyric, in particular, seems to give me the confidence to tackle anything I'm feeling a little nervous about.
4. "Who told you you're allowed to rain on my parade?” - "Funny Girl"
This lyric basically tells you not to take s*** from anyone. As a shyer person that lets people get her down a lot, this lyric stuck with me.
5. “Everyone deserves the chance to fly." - "Wicked"
No matter where you come from, you deserve the same chances and opportunities as everyone else if you work for them.
6. "Being true to yourself never goes out of style.” - "Legally Blonde"
It may be cheesy, but growing up I really felt I was constantly trying to fit into a school and a system that just never accepted me. This lyric reminds me that I don't need to conform in order to be "good enough" for people.
7. “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." - "Les Misérables"
No matter what situation you're in or how permanent it seems, there is a way out. Time heals all wounds.
8. “Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor." - "Into the Woods"
Take any chance you can. Whether it's working a crappy job to save up for college or trying to get that promotion, don't wait. Take the chance and do what you need to do to get where you want to be.
9. “Who cares what happens when we’re dead? We shouldn’t think that far ahead. The only latter day that matters is tomorrow.” - "Book of Mormon"
This lyric has stuck with me for quite a while now because it reminds me to take things just one step at a time. Sometimes we can all get so lost in our thoughts and fears that we forget to take things one day at a time.
If you ever need an extra dose of encouragement or confidence, these lyrics may get the job done. These are some of the lyrics that made me fall in love with Broadway, and I hope they do the same for you!