The 8 Best Animated Films That Didn't Come From Disney | The Odyssey Online
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The 8 Best Animated Films That Didn't Come From Disney

Not all of my favorite animated films were made by the Walt Disney Company.

The 8 Best Animated Films That Didn't Come From Disney

Most of the movies that I have watched during my childhood were Disney films. However, there were a couple of animated films that I enjoyed that were not made by the Disney company.

1) An American Tail

This film tells the story of a young mouse trying to reunite with his family after being separated from them while immigrating to New York from Russia in the 1880s. An American Tail was the first animated film director Steven Spielberg was involved in, and it became the first high grossing non-Disney film that has been released in 1986.

2) My Neighbor Totoro

This film was known as one of the best-animated films during the 20th century in Japan, and it has such fascinating creatures including an oversized cat named Totoro

3) The Secret of NIMH

This has been one of my favorite movies as a child! Based on the book Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, this film is about how a young mother mouse must seek help in order to save her family from the farmer tractor invading their home. Mrs. Brisby (name change in the movie) seeks helps from rats, who are intelligent, meaning that they can read, write, and build. I also love how the film shows how terrifying a cat looks from a mouse's perspective, how human interference could destroy the homes of forest animals, and the horrors of animal testing.

4) Balto

This film here was based on a true story about how a sled dog must make a dangerous journey to Nome, Alaska through dangerous snowy conditions in order to deliver medicine to ease down an epidemic.

5) The Pagemaster

Even though there were live-action segments in the beginning and the end of the film, it was animated throughout the whole movie. This film has made me feel the most nostalgic watching a young boy develop from being frightened in the beginning to conquering his fears in the end, not to mention having such wonderful adventures through different classic tales!

6) Charlotte's Web

Based on a children's book, this film shows a beautiful friendship between a spider and a pig. In order to save Wilbur's life by proving his worth, the spider Charlotte spins up webs that describe Wilbur as a terrific, radiant, and humble pig. What was beautiful about this film was how Charlotte has chosen to save this pig's life with the short amount of time that she had.

7) Shrek

Come on, who could forget about everyone's favorite ogre? I loved this film and its sequel, I'm not so sure about the last two films after the first two, but when I first saw Shrek, I loved how they took fairytales that we all loved and modernized them a bit in today's society.

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