Why is winter the best season ever?
Ever since I was a child winter has always been my favorite season. Maybe it is because my birthday is in January? Or maybe because there are so many great things about winter! Even though winter is the coldest season there is just something warm about it to me. Winter allows my family to spend quality time with one another that no other season allows. Whether its from staying up waiting to see if school was canceled/a delayed opening or from playing in the snow together, baking cookies or sipping hot chocolate together. Winter has such a warm feeling to it that everyone loves. During the coldest season the best memories are made and everyone shares a lot of laughter and love during it. Winter starts off with families celebrating Chanukah or Christmas and then it goes right into New Years and it is such a festive time for all families to spend time together. Winter is also one of my favorite seasons because memories are made during these short 4 months. Winter by far tops off all the other seasons…yes the other ones are pretty great too but nothing can top off the first snow fall!
- Snow
- Mittens
- Hats
- Jackets
- Hot chocolate
- Warm cider
- Snow days
- Delayed openings
- Fire places
- Snowflakes
- Snow men
- Playing in the snow
- Snow angels
- Christmas
- Chanukah
- Festive lights
- Scarves
- Sweaters
- Sugar cookies
- The cold
- Tubing
- Skiing
- Snow boarding
- Winter break
- Ice Skating
- Hallmark movies
- New years
- Ugg boots
- Cuddling
- Flannel Pajamas
- Festive season
- Playing in the snow
- Hot cider
- Family time
- Lazy Sundays
- Looking at the stars
- Soup for every meal
- Boots
- Snow flakes
- Gloves
- Ear warmers
- Family
- Love
- Memories
- Laughter
- Warmth
- Turtle necks
- Onesies
- Snow ball fights
- Valentine’s day
- Festive drinks
- Warmth
- Presents
- Fresh air
- Ice skating
- Pop up markets
- Movies
- Comfort food
- Winter sports
- Decorations
- The first snow falls of the season
- Naps
- Blankets
- Smell of pine
- Candles
- Early dismissals
- Snow suits
- Bubble baths
- Warm cider
- Festive lights
I hope that after you have read my “Top 70 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season” I can convince you feel the same way as I do. Appreciate the little things this winter and cherish each moment of this great season!