This is a conglomeration of varying artistic and informational viewpoints on Sexual Violence. Take twenty minutes and educate yourself. This is a heated topic, and it deserves to be.
Lady Gaga-Til It Happens To You: A song, a message, a visual, and an emotion.
2. Slam poetry that describes one female's perspective of feminine sexuality, and society's and male misconception of it.3. Big & Rich-Holy Water: This song depicts an outside perspective of one person's turmoil after experiencing sexual violence.
4. The Consent Project and It's On Us-CONSENT!
5. Dear Daddy
6. Men and Sexual Violence: Men, you're victims as well. You shouldn't be forgotten, and you shouldn't be silenced.
Each of these videos has information that you can take from them, implicitly or explicitly. Share them with your friends and families, continue the discussion.