7 Reasons We Miss Carrie Fisher
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7 Reasons We Miss Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher was a prolific author, actress and advocate that we owe tribute to.

7 Reasons We Miss Carrie Fisher
Hollywood Life Files

In December of 2016, Carrie Fisher died from cardiac arrest while flying back from London during her recent book tour. The following day, her mother Debbie Reynolds also passed away.

Carrie Fisher has had a vibrant life; full of struggle, yet ultimately triumph as she overcame strife and helped others.

Here are seven reasons the world misses Carrie Fisher:

1. Carrie was an outspoken advocate for the mentally ill.

Following her diagnosis with bipolar disorder, she was an outspoken and high profile advocate for research and treatment. Through humor and her personal stories, she reached many who struggle every day.

2. Her performances as Princess Leia in Star Wars.

Leia was a fan favorite due to her strong personality and sharp tongue. Fans at Comicon would wait hours just to have an autograph and picture from Carrie.

3. She was a gifted writer and novelist.

With four novels and three autobiographies, Carrie demonstrated her ability to write and entertain through prose. Her first novel, “Postcards from the Edge” is heavily based off her stint in a rehab following a drug overdose. “Wishful Drinking” was adapted from her one-woman stage performance about her life.

Her final book, “Princess Diarist” reveals many of her journals from her time filming the first Star Wars movie and details her affair with Harrison Ford.

4. Carrie helped erase some of the stigma associated with medication and electroconvulsive therapy.

She described the process of the ECT treatments, how much they had helped her and how easy it was for her. It even became a joke as she would say she was paying two electric bills.

She was extremely candid about her mental health treatments and helped demolish stigmas and taboos in the process.

5. Gary, her service dog.

Her service dog Gary became an internet celebrity, due to his adorable tongue that hangs out of his mouth and frequent appearances with Carrie on red carpets and televised interviews.

Gary originally belonged to Billie Lourd, her daughter. Carrie loved Gary so much that she took Gary for herself to become her emotional support dog.

6. She changed the definition of beauty.

Weight, age and beauty were all chastised by Carrie as she aged. She frequently remarked that youth and beauty were not achievements.

She made no effort to be politically correct when replying to criticisms about her appearance in Episode 7 of Star Wars. She commented that she did not realize she had signed a contract to look the exact same for over thirty years when she donned her metal bikini.

7. Her stage appearances and humor.

Appearances at award shows were always guaranteed to have a personal touch with a great amount of humor. George Lucas’ lifetime achievement ceremony is one of her most famous appearances. Harrison Ford and Meryl Streep were also gifted with an appearance by Carrie.

We will miss Carrie because we lost a fierce advocate, humorous and witty speaker and writer, as well as a genuinely open and honest actress. She was not afraid to show her vulnerabilities as well as admit her mistakes.

She was an icon that will always be missed.

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