Being a younger sister takes guts, strength, and plenty of attention-getting skills. Without the trials of being a younger sister you probably would not be the person you are today, but the experience has left you with some telltale signs that you are a younger sister.
1. Your closet is partially your clothes, and partially your older sister’s clothes that you stole and have no intention of giving back.
For some reason, older sisters tend to have better clothes. You two could shop at the same stores at the same time, and yet, her clothes are where it’s at. She doesn't know that every time you go into her room you leave with one article of clothing, and she probably never will. You'll return it later. Maybe.
2. You always know exactly where you can go to get the best advice.
If you ever have a question about anything, chances are your older sister has tried it, mastered it, and is ready to share her knowledge. She could never steer you wrong. She is also always honest. A friend might tell you that you look beautiful no matter what; a sister will tell you that your hair is a mess and you have a pimple on your chin. You can always count on her.
3. In school you were always known as “____’s younger sister.
College was the first time you got to experience the joys of being your own person. No longer were you so pale from living in your older sister’s shadow, now you were able to go out and see the sun! Hopefully you didn’t forget to wear sunscreen.
4. You had a personal chauffeur until you learned how to drive.
In high school, there was no feeling sweeter than when you were able to roll up in your older sister’s 1989 Integra while your friends all had to ride the bus. You no longer had to bother a parent or a guardian every time you wanted to go shopping or get french fries from Burger King. The world was your oyster, unless your sister said no.
5. Anytime you hear the statement, “I’ll tell you when you’re older,” you cringe.
Getting left out was an essential part of growing up as a younger sister, and the battle scars are still with you. You will never forget begging your sister to let you hang out with her and her friends and always being rejected. Anytime you wanted to know a secret, that special phrase would come out of her mouth, “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” Now that you are older, you still do not know the secrets she kept, but you are able to hang out with her and her friends, even though the line still haunts you.
6. You have a built in best friend, right from the start.
There is something special about having an older sister. She was there from the moment you were born; she is your built-in best friend. She has known you the longest and understands all your weird, family-given quirks because she has them too. Other friends may come and go, but sisters are for life.